Polimēru mehānikas institūts

- Glaskova, Tatjana. Experimental and theoretical investigation of thermophysical and mechanical properties of polymer nanocomposites : summary of the doctoral thesis submitted for doctoral degree in engineering, subbranch: mechanics of polymer and composite materials / Tatiana Glaskova ; scientific supervisor, Andrey Aniskevich ; University of Latvia. Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - 55 lpp. : il. - Ietver bibliogr. (51.-54. lpp.).
- Glaskova, Tatjana. Polimēru nanokompozītmateriālu termofizikālo un mehānisko īpašību eksperimentālā izpēte un modelēšana : promocijas darba kopsavilkums doktora zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai inženierzinātnēs, apakšnozare: polimēru un kompozītmateriālu mehānika / Tatjana Glaskova ; zinātniskais vadītājs Andrejs Aņiskevičs ; Latvijas Universitāte. Fizikas un matemātikas fakultāte. - Rīga : [Latvijas Universitāte], 2011. - 54 lpp. : il., graf. - Ietver bibliogr. (50.-53. lpp.).
- Glaskova, Tatjana. Polimēru nanokompozītmateriālu termofizikālo un mehānisko īpašību eksperimentālā izpēte un modelēšana = Experimental and theoretical investigation of thermophysical and mechanical properties of polymer nanocomposites : zinātnisku publikāciju kopa doktora zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai inženierzinātnēs, Apakšnozare: polimēru un kompozītmateriālu mehānika / Tatjana Glaskova ; Latvijas Universitāte. Fizikas un matemātikas fakultāte. - Rīga, 2011. - [104] lpp. : il., graf. + 30 cm. ; 1 CD. - Ietver bibliogrāfiju publikāciju un konferenču materiālu beigās. - Publikāciju teksts angļu valodā, anotācija arī latviešu valodā. - Zinātnisko publikāciju kopa ietver gan publikācijas, gan konferenču materiālus.
***** - Andersons, Jānis. Applicability of empirical models for evaluation of stress ratio effect on the durability of fiber-reinforced creep rupture-susceptible composites / J. Andersons, Yu. Paramonov // Journal of Materials Science. - Vol.46, N 6 (2011), p.1705-1713. - URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/0x772843724u222h/fulltext.pdf
- Andersons, Jānis. The effect of damage and geometrical variability on the tensile strength distribution of flax fibers / J. Andersons, E. Sparniņš // Key Engineering Materials. - Vol.452/453 (2011), p.137-140. - URL: http://www.scientific.net/KEM.452-453.137
- Andersons, Jānis. Estimation of the tensile strength of an oriented flax fiber-reinforced polymer composite / J. Andersons, R. Joffe // Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. - Vol.42, N 9 (2011), p.1229-1235.
- Andersons, Jānis. Modeling strength scatter of elementary flax fibers : the effect of mechanical damage and geometrical characteristics / J. Andersons, E. Poriķe, E. Spārniņš // Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. - Vol.42, N 5 (2011), p.543-549.
- Andersons, Jānis. Tensile Strength of UD Flax Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites / Jānis Andersons. - References: p.625 // IC-EpsMsO : 4th International Conference on Experiments/Process/System Modelling/Simulation/Optimization : Athens, Greece, 6-9 July, 2011 : Proceedings: [in 2 Vols] / ed. Demos T. Tsahalis. - [Athens, 2011]. - Vol.2, p.620-625 : fig.
- Andersons, Jānis. Ultimate strain and deformability of elementary flax fibres / J. Andersons, E. Porike, E. Sparnins. - References: p.434-435 // Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design. - Vol.46, N 6 (2011), p.428-435. - URL: http://sdj.sagepub.com/content/46/6/428.full.pdf
- Aņiskevičs, Andrejs. Calculation of Pultruded Box Beam Stiffnesses in Tension, Bending and Torsion Based on Models of Micromechanics of Composites / A. Aniskevich, V. Kulakov, G. Portnov // Civil engineering '11 : international scientific conference : abstracts / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Rural Engineering. Department of Architecture and Building. Department of Structural Engineering = Būvniecība '11 : starptautiskā zinātniskā konference : abstrakti / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Lauku inženieru fakultāte. Arhitektūras un būvniecības katedra. Būvkonstrukciju katedra. - Jelgava : Latvia University of Agriculture, 2011. - 20.lpp.
- Aņiskevičs, Andrejs. Flexural Mechanical Behaviour of Pultruded Glass Fiber Composites / A. Aniskevich, A. Arnautov, K. Aniskevich // Civil engineering '11 : international scientific conference : abstracts / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Rural Engineering. Department of Architecture and Building. Department of Structural Engineering = Būvniecība '11 : starptautiskā zinātniskā konference : abstrakti / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Lauku inženieru fakultāte. Arhitektūras un būvniecības katedra. Būvkonstrukciju katedra. - Jelgava : Latvia University of Agriculture, 2011. - 36.lpp.
- Beverte, Ilze. Mechanical Properties of Rigid Bio-Based Polyisocianurate Foams in Shear / I. Beverte, A. Lagzdins, V. Skruls // BIOFOAMS 2011 : 3rd International Conference on Biofoams, September 21-23, 2011, Capri (NA), Italy : Conference Proceedings / eds.: S. Iannace, L. Sorrentino, E. Di Maio. - [S.l., 2011]. - P.117-123.
- Chatys, Rafał. Proces zniszczenia kompozytu polimerowego formowanego techniką worka próżniowego z uwzględnieniem wpływ wody i środowiska korozyjnego / Rafał Chatys, Andrey Aniskevich. - Bibliogr.: p.78 - Kopsav. angļu val.: Destruction process technique molded polymer composite vacuum bag, including the effect of water and corrosion environment, [71].lpp. // Polimery i Kompozyty Konstrukcyjne = Engineering Polymers and Composites 2011 : 10th International Scientific and Technical Conference, Gliwice, 2011 / red. Gabriela Wróbla. - Cieszyn : Logos Press, 2011. - P.[71]-78 : fig., tables.
- Chatys, Rafał. Wpływ kształtowania wymiarowego na modelowanie wytrzymałości resztkowej kompozytu polimerowego / Rafał Chatys. - Bibliogr.: p.86 - Kopsav. angļu val.: The influence of dimensional shaping of the modeling residual strength of polymer composite, [79].lpp. // Polimery i Kompozyty Konstrukcyjne = Engineering Polymers and Composites 2011 : 10th International Scientific and Technical Conference, Gliwice, 2011 / red. Gabriela Wróbla. - Cieszyn : Logos Press, 2011. - P.[79]-86 : fig., tables.
- The Effect of Introduction of Carbon Nanotubes on the Mechanical and Thermophysical Properties of Epoxy Resin / A. Borisova, T. Glaskova, K. Timchenko, R. Chatys, A. Aniskevich, V. Korkhov // Polimery i Kompozyty Konstrukcyjne = Engineering Polymers and Composites 2011 : 10th International Scientific and Technical Conference, Gliwice, 2011 / red. Gabriela Wróbla. - Cieszyn : Logos Press, 2011. - P.[70].
- Effect of moisture on the viscoelastic properties of an epoxy-clay nanocomposite / K.K. Aniskevich, T.I. Glaskova, A.N. Aniskevich, Y.A. Faitelson // Mechanics of Composite Materials. - Vol.46, N 6 (2011), p.573-582. - URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/g277556905x6720v/fulltext.pdf
- The effect of radiation modification and of a uniform magnetic field on the deformation properties of polymer composite blends / I. Reinholds, V. Kalkis, R. Maksimov...[u.c.] // Mechanics of Composite Materials. - Vol.47, N 5 (2011), 497.-504.lpp. : il.
- he Effect of Radiation Modification and of a Uniform Magnetic Field on the Deformation Properties of Polymer Composite Blends / I. Reinholds, V. Kalkis, R.D. Maksimov, J. Zicans, R. Merijs Meri // Mechanics of Composite Materials. - Vol.47, N 5 (2011), p.497-504. - URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/080481414m3123p3/fulltext.pdf
- The Effect of Radiation Modification and Uniform Magnetic Field on Deformation Properties of Polymer Composite Blends / I. Reinholds, V. Kalkis, R.D. Maksimov, J. Zicans, R.M. Meri, T. Ivanova // Functional materials and nanotechnologies : international conference FM&NT 2011, Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, April 5-8, 2011, Riga, Latvia : conference program, book of abstracts. - Riga, 2011. - P.140 : fig.
- Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Thermophysical and Mechanical Properties of the Epoxy–Clay Nanocomposite / T. Glaskova, A. Aniskevich, K. Aniskevich, Ye. Faitelson, V. Korkhov. - References: p.290 // Composite Materials for Structural Performance: towards Higher Limits : Proceedings of the 32nd of Risø International Symposium on Material Science, 5-9 September, 2011 / ed.: S. Faester ... [et al.]. - Roskilde : Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy. Technical University of Denmark, [2011]. - P.283-290.
- Kalpiņš, Aldis. Measurement systems for distribution of relaxation and retardation times / Aldis Kalpinsh, Vairis Shtrauss // Recent Researches in System Science : Proceedings of the 15th WSEAS International Conference on Systems (Part of the 15th WSEAS CSCC Multiconference), Corfu Island, Greece, July 14-16, 2011. - WSEAS Press, 2011. - P.106-111. - URL: http://www.wseas.us/e-library/conferences/2011/Corfu/SYSTEMS/SYSTEMS-15.pdf
- Kazina, Elina. Volume Changes in Filled Rubber Under Uniaxial Cyclic Loading / Elina Kazina, Olesja Starkova, Andrey Aniskevich // Materials Science = Medžiagotyra. - Vol.17, N 3 (2011), p.271-275. - URL: http://www.itc.ktu.lt/index.php/MatSc/article/view/592/888
- Kerch, Garry. Effect of storage time and temperature on structure, mechanical and barrier properties of chitosan-based films / Garry Kerch, Vadim Korkhov // European Food Research and Technology. - Vol.232, N 1 (2011), p.17-22. - URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/496lt1022619m957/fulltext.pdf
- Laudatio to Vitauts Tamuzs : (commemorating his 75th birthday) // Mechanics of Composite Materials. - Vol.46, N 6 (2011), p.689-690 : fotogr. - URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/6u21gv773l374j48/fulltext.pdf
- Maksimovs, Roberts. Effect of interphase layers on the elastic properties of a carbon-nanotube-reinforced composite / R.D. Maksimov, E. Plume // Mechanics of Composite Materials. - Vol.47, N 3 (2011), p.255-262. - URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/nq3q74u106974m68/fulltext.pdf
- Mechanical Properties of Injection-Molded Binary Blends of Polyethylene with Small Additions of a Liquid-Crystalline Polymer / Tatjana Ivanova, Janis Zicans, Ilze Elksnite, Martins Kalnins, Robert Maksimov // Journal of Applied Polymer Science : Special Issue: Contributions from the 5th International Conference on Times of Polymers (TOP) and Composites, Ischia, Italy, June 20-23, 2010. - Vol.122, N 6 (2011), p.3564–3568. - URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/app.34766/pdf
- Mechanical properties of rigid polyurethane foams at room and cryogenic temperatures / U. Stirna, I. Beverte, V. Yakushin, U. Cabulis // Journal of Cellular Plastics. - Vol.47, N 4 (2011), p.337–355. - URL: http://cel.sagepub.com/content/47/4/337.full.pdf
- A method for determination of time- and temperature-dependences of stress threshold of linear-nonlinear viscoelastic transition: Energy-Based Approach / O. Starkova, G.C. Papanicolaou, A.G. Xepapadaki, A. Aniskevich // Journal of Applied Polymer Science. - Vol.121, N 4 (2011), p.2187-2192. - URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/app.33813/pdf
- Method of quantitative analysis of filler dispersion in composite systems with spherical inclusions / T. Glaskova, M. Zarrelli, A. Borisova, K. Timchenko, A. Aniskevich, M. Giordano // Composites Science and Technology. - Vol.71, N 13 (2011), p.1543-1549. - URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MiamiImageURL&_cid=271518&_user=4448922&_pii=S0266353811002156&_check=y&_origin=browse&_zone=rslt_list_item&_coverDate=2011-09-09&wchp=dGLbVlB-zSkWz&md5=6e6a803593648bbda9bd722c0fa97e68/1-s2.0-S0266353811002156-main.pdf
- Modeling and Stress-Strain Characteristics of the Mechanical Properties of Carbon-Nanotube-Reinforced Poly(vinyl acetate) Nanocomposites / Remo Merijs Meri, Juris Bitenieks, Martins Kalnins, Robert Maksimov // Journal of Applied Polymer Science : Special Issue: Contributions from the 5th International Conference on Times of Polymers (TOP) and Composites, Ischia, Italy, June 20-23, 2010. - Vol.122, N 6 (2011), p.3569-3573. - URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/app.34767/pdf
- Modeling the effect of reinforcement discontinuity on the tensile strength of UD flax fiber composites / J. Andersons, R. Joffe, E. Spārniņš, D. Weichert // Journal of Materials Science. - Vol.46, N 15 (2011), p.5104-5110. - URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/71h7584q0120g511/fulltext.pdf
- Modņiks, Jānis. Model of the mechanical response of short flax fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites / J. Modniks, R. Joffe, J. Andersons // Procedia Engineering. - Vol.10: 11th International Conference on the Mechanical Behavior of Materials (2011), p.2016–2021. - URL: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MiamiImageURL&_cid=278653&_user=590287&_pii=S1877705811005224&_check=y&_origin=article&_zone=toolbar&_coverDate=31-Dec-2011&view=c&originContentFamily=serial&wchp=dGLbVlB-zSkWb&md5=506c5307a1a5f73bb4540131c6bba3a7/1-s2.0-S1877705811005224-main.pdf
- The moisture and temperature effect on mechanical performance of flax/starch composites in quasi-static tension / E. Spārniņš, A. Pupurs, J. Varna, R. Joffe, K. Nättinen, J. Lampinen // Polymer Composites. - Vol.32, N 12 (2011), p.2051–2061. - URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pc.21184/pdf
- Poisson Process of Defect Initiation in Fatigue of a Composite Material / Yury Paramonov, Rafal Chatys, Janis Andersons, Martinsh Kleinhofs. - (Statistic methods and their applications : session 1). - References: p.18 // The 11th International Conference "Reliability and statistics in transportation and communication" : (RelStat'11), 19-22 October 2011, Riga, Latvia : abstracts / edited by Igor V. Kabashkin, Irina V. Yatskiv ; organised by Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Latvia) ... [etc.]. - Rīga : Transport and Telecommunication Institute, 2011. - P.10-18. - Raksta pilnais teksts pieejams grām. pielikumā CD-ROM formātā.
- Portnovs, Georgs. Assessment of transmission of the shear stress in potted anchors for composite rods: 4. Nonlinear bond behavior between the FRP rod and the potting material / G.G. Portnov, C.E. Bakis, V.L. Kulakov // Mechanics of Composite Materials. - Vol.47, N 3 (2011), p.285-300. - URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/6thk6633520560p6/fulltext.pdf
- A Refined Strut Model for Calculating the Elastic Constants of Highly Porous Cellular Plastics by the Method of Orientational Averaging / A. Lagzdins, A. Zilaucs, I. Beverte, J. Andersons // Mechanics of Composite Materials. - Vol.47, N 6 (2011), p.589-596 : il. - URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/0846070136u83883/fulltext.pdf
- Scale effect of the tensile strength of flax-fabric-reinforced polymer composites / J. Andersons, E. Sparnins, B. Nyström, R. Joffe // Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. - Vol.30, N 23 (2011), p.1969–1974. - URL: http://jrp.sagepub.com/content/30/23/1969.full.pdf
- Strekalova, O. Critical Loading Visualization Capability in Glass Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Composite / O. Strekalova, S. Vidinejevs, A. Aniskevich // Baltic Polymer Symposium, 2011 : programme and abstracts, September 21-24, 2011, Parnu, Estonia / Tallinn University of Technology. - Tallinn : Tallinn Technical University, 2011. - P.95.
- Structure and properties of polymer-carbon nanotube composites, obtained by latex route / Juris Bitenieks, Janis Zicans, Remo Merijs Meri, Tatjana Ivanova, Maris Knite, Roberts Maksimovs // Abstracts of the 52nd International scientific conference of Riga Technical University : section: Material science and applied chemistry : October 13-15, 2011, Riga, Latvia / Riga Technical University. Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry. - Riga : Riga Technical University, 2011. - P.60.
- Štrauss, Vairis. Recovery of distribution of relaxation and retardation times by measuring amplitudes to multi-harmonic excitations / Vairis Shtrauss, Aldis Kalpinsh // Recent Researches in System Science : Proceedings of the 15th WSEAS International Conference on Systems (Part of the 15th WSEAS CSCC Multiconference), Corfu Island, Greece, July 14-16, 2011. - WSEAS Press, 2011. - P.112-117. - URL: http://www.wseas.us/e-library/conferences/2011/Corfu/SYSTEMS/SYSTEMS-16.pdf
- Vidinejevs, Sergejs. Binary Vascular System in Self-Healing Epoxy Matrix / Sergejs Vidinejevs, Andrey Aniskevich. - References: p.139 // Third International Conference Self-Healing Materials : 27th-29th June 2011, Bath United Kingdom : [Book of Abstracts]. - [S.l., 2011]. - P.139.
- Vidinejevs, Sergejs. Biomimetic Fiber Reinforced Composite with Damage Visualization Capability / Sergejs Vidinejevs, Olga Strekalova, Andrey Aniskevich // Third International Conference Self-Healing Materials : 27th-29th June 2011, Bath United Kingdom : [Book of Abstracts]. - [S.l., 2011]. - P.153.
- Влияние радиационной модификации и постоянного магнитного поля на деформационные свойства смесевого полимерного композита / И. Рейнхолдс, В. Калькис, Р.Д. Максимов, Я. Зицанс, Р. Мерий Мери - Библиограф.: с.714-[716]. - Аннот. на англ. яз. // Механика композитных материалов. - Т.47, N 5 (2011), с.707-[716] : рис.
- Максимов, Р.Д. Влияние межфазных слоев на упругие свойства полимерного комозита, армированного углеродными нанотрубками / Р.Д. Максимов, Э. Плуме. - Библиограф.: с.387-[388]. - Аннот. на англ. яз. // Механика композитных материалов. - Т.47, N 3 (2011), с.377-[388] : рис.
- Портнов, Г.Г. Передача сдвиговых напряжений на композитный стержень в анкере клеевого типа : 4. Нелинейное сцепление между стержнем и заливочным материалом / Г.Г. Портнов, Ч.Е. Бакис, В.Л. Кулаков. - Библиограф.: с.439-[440]. - Аннот. на англ. яз. // Механика композитных материалов. - Т.47, N 3 (2011), с.419-[440] : рис.
- Уточненная стержневая модель для расчета констант упругости высокопористых поропластов методом ориентационного усреднения / А. Лагздинь, А. Зилауц, И. Беверте, Я. Андерсонс. - Библиограф.: с.851-[852]. // Механика композитных материалов. - Т.47, N 6 (2011), с.841-[852] : рис.
***** - Deformational Properties of Silica Filled Styrene-Butadiene Rubber under Uniaxial Tension [elektronisks resurss] / K. Aniskevich, O. Starkova, J. Jansons, A. Aniskevich. - New York : Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2011. - 42 p. : fig., tables. - (Materials Science and Technologies). - References: p.[39]-40. - Tiešsaistes grāmata. - Nosaukums no tīmekļa lapas. - Resurss aprakstīts 2011.g. dec. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW. URL: https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=26564
- Carbon nanotube/polyvinylacetate nanocomposites: selected structureproperty relationships and modelling [elektronisks resurss] / J. Zicans, R. Merijs Meri, T. Ivanova, M. Knite, R. Maksimov, A.K. Bledzki // Hybrid Materials 2011, 6-10 March, 2011, Strasbourg, France [CD-ROM] : Second International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials : Conference Abstracts. - [B.3.5.2]. - Aprakstīts pēc diska satura.
- Merijs Meri, R. Carbon Nanotubes Modified Polyvinylacetate Composite: Theoretical and Experimental Aspects [elektronisks resurss] / R. Merijs Meri, J. Bitenieks, M. Knite, R. Maksimov. - Tiešsaistes raksts. - Nosaukums no tīmekļa lapas. - Resurss aprakstīts 2012.g. 12.janv. // 16th International Conference on Composite Structures, ICCS 16 [CD-ROM] / ed. A.J.M. Ferreira. - Porto : FEUP, 2011. - P.409. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW. URL: http://paginas.fe.up.pt/~iccs16/CD/401-440/409Zicans.pdf
- Tarasovs, Sergejs. Propagation of a System of Cracks under Thermal Stress [elektronisks resurss] / S. Tarasovs, A. Ghassemi // 45th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 26-29 June, 2011, San Francisco, California [CD-ROM] : Symposium Program and Abstracts / Sponsored by the American Rock Mechanics Association. - [San Francisko : ARMA, 2011]. - [6 p]. : fig. - Aprakstīts pēc diska satura.
- Tarasovs, Sergejs. Propagation of a System of Cracks under Thermal Stress [elektronisks resurss] / S. Tarasovs, A. Ghassemi. - Tiešsaistes raksts. - Nosaukums no tīmekļa lapas. - Resurss aprakstīts 2012.g. 12.janv. // 45th US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, 26-29 June, 2011, San Francisco, California [elektronisks resurss] : Symposium Program and Abstracts / Sponsored by the American Rock Mechanics Association. - [San Francisko : ARMA, 2011]. - P.159. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW. URL: www.armasymposium.org/docs/pag_pdf.pdf URL: http://www.armasymposium.org/docs/pag_pdf.pdf