Fizikas institūts

- Absolute thermoelectric power of PbSn alloys / I. Kaldre, Y. Fautrelle, J. Etay, A. Bojarevics, L. Buligins // Modern Physics Letters B. - Vol.25, N 10 (2011). - P.731-738.
- Alemany, Antoine. Thermo acoustic - MHD electrical Generator / Antoine Alemany, Armands Krauze, Mahmoud Al Radi // Energy Procedia. - Vol.6 (2011), p.93–101. - URL:
- Bucenieks, Imants. Efficiency of EM induction pumps with permanent magnets / I. Bucenieks, K. Kravalis // Magnetohydrodynamics. - Vol.47, N 1 (2011). - P.89-96 : ill.
- Bucenieks, Imants. Pressure - flow rate characteristics of the pumps with permanent magnets / I. Bucenieks, K. Kravalis, R. Krishbergs // Magnetohydrodynamics. - Vol.47, N 1 (2011). - P.97-104 : ill.
- The effect of co-gasification of the biomass pellets with gas on the thermal degradation of biomass / V. Suzdalenko, I. Barmina, A. Lickrastina, M. Zake // Chemical Engineering Transactions. - Vol.24 (2011), p.7-12. - URL:
- The effect of varying magnetic field gradient on combustion dynamic : [ar īsām ziņām par aut.] / Vera Suzdalenko, Maija Zake, Inesa Barmina, Martins Gedrovics. - Bibliogr.: 104.lpp. - Kopsav. latviešu val. // Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes zinātniskie raksti. – (Vides un klimata tehnoloģijas ; 13.sērija). - 6.sēj. (2011), 100.-105.lpp. : diagr., ģīm., tab.
- Ērglis, Kaspars. - Three dimensional dynamics of ferromagnetic swimmer / K. Erglis, R. Livanovics, A. Cebers // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. - Vol. 323, N 10 (2011). - P.1278-1282 : diagr.
- Formation and magnetic properties of nickel ferrite nanoparticles produced by the extractive pyrolytic method / V. Serga, L. Kulikova, M. Maiorov, A. Krumina // Latvijas Ķīmijas Žurnāls = Латвийский химический журнал = Latvian journal of chemistry. – Nr.1/2 (2011). - 32.-38.lpp. : diagr., tab.
- Gasification of pelletized renewable fuel for clean energy production / A. Lickrastina, I. Barmina, V. Suzdalenko, M. Zake // Fuel. - Vol.90, N 11 (2011). - P.3352-3358.
- Kroņkalns, Gunārs. Heating of magnetic fluids by a low frequency alternating magnetic field / G. Kronkalns, M. M. Maiorov, E. Blums // Magnetohydrodynamics. - Vol.47, N 3 (2011). - P.249-264 : ill.
- Non-isothermal mass transfer of ferrocolloids through porous membrane / E. Blums, G. Kronkalns, A. Mezulis, V. Sints // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. - Vol. 323, N 10 (2011). - P.1334-1337.
- Stefani, F. Energy oscillations and a possible route to chaos in a modified Riga dynamo / F. Stefani, A. Gailitis, G. Gerbeth // Astronomische Nachrichten. - Vol.332, N 1 (2010). - P.4-10.
- Zablockis, Dmitrijs. Magnetically driven microconvective instability of optically induced concentration grating in ferrofluids / Dmitry Zablotsky, Elmars Blums // Physical Review E : Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. - Vol.84, N 2 (2011), 026319. - URL:
- Zablockis, Dmitrijs. Numerical investigation of optically induced microconvection in thin ferrofluid layers / D. Zablodsky, E. Blums // Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. - Vol. 323, N 10 (2011). - P.1338-1342 : diagr.
- Zablockis, Dmitrijs. Relaxation mechanisms of photoinduced periodic microstructures in ferrofluid layers / Dmitry Zablotsky, Elmars Blums // Physical Review E. - Vol.84, N 6 (2011). - Article number: 066305.