2023. gadā datubāzē SAGE Journals atvērtajā piekļuvē (Open Access) tika publicētas 9 Latvijas Universitātes darbinieku publikācijas: 7 raksti, 1 raksts-komentārs un 1 konferences tēzes sociālajās, humanitārajās un mākslas zinātnēs, medicīnas un veselības zinātnēs, kā arī kognitīvajās zinātnēs.
Politikas zinātnē:
Race, Innocence, and the Objectification of Nation in Latvia / Aivita Putniņa. - Notes: p.18-21 // East European Politics and Societies. - ISSN 0888-3254 - (11 July 2023), p.1-21 : fig. https://doi.org/10.1177/08883254231177380
URL: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/08883254231177380
The Legacy of Hildegard Prozell / Kristīna Ēce. - (Article) - Notes: p.580-582 // International Bulletin of Mission Research. - ISSN 2396-9393 - Vol. 47, N 4 (2023), p.573-582 : photos. https://doi.org/10.1177/23969393231181896
URL: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/23969393231181896
Reimagining “Integration” in the Light of the New Forms of Mobility / Inta Mieriņa, Marika Laudere. - (Original Research Article) - References: p.27-31 // International Migration Review. - ISSN 0197-9183 - P.1-31 : tab., fig. https://doi.org/10.1177/01979183231221743
URL: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/01979183231221743
The affective fields of working class among ‘Eastern European’ migrants in the UK / Aija Lulle. - (Article) // Sociological Review. - ISSN 0038-0261 - Vol. 71, N 2 (2023), p.315-331. https://doi.org/10.1177/00380261221150083
URL: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/00380261221150083
The permanent regime of temporary solutions: Housing of forced migrants in Europe as a policy challenge / Kārlis Lakševics, Yvonne Franz, Annegret Haase, Bahanur Nasya, Daniela Patti, Ursula Reeger, Ieva Raubiško, Anika Schmidt, Andris Šuvajevs // European Urban and Regional Studies. - ISSN 0969-7764 - (13 October 2023), p.1-7. https://doi.org/10.1177/09697764231197963
URL: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/09697764231197963
The (un)usual suspects? Exploring the links between illicit financial flows, Russian money laundering and dependent financialization in the Baltic states / Leonardo Pataccini // Competition and Change. - ISSN 1024-5294 - (24 May 2023), p.1-20. https://doi.org/10.1177/10245294231177352
URL: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/10245294231177352
Komunikācijas zinātnē:
Knowledge exchange and growth in a hybrid community – a social-capital-based approach: Evidence from Latvia / Guido Sechi, Jurģis Šķilters, Marta Selecka, Līva Kalnača, Krista Leškēviča // IFLA Journal. - ISSN 0340-0352 - Vol. 49, N 3 (2023), p.87-98. https://doi.org/10.1177/03400352221089673
URL: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/03400352221089673
Standardized airway wall thickness Pi10 from routine CT scans of COPD patients as imaging biomarker for disease severity, lung function decline, and mortality / Kathrin Kahnert, Rudolf A. Jörres, Hans-Ulrich Kauczor, Peter Alter, Franziska C. Trudzinski, Felix Herth, Bertram Jobst, Oliver Weinheimer, Sebastian Nauck, Pontus Mertsch, Jürgen Biederer ... [et al.] // Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease. - ISSN 1753-4666 - Vol. 17 (2023), p.1-14. https://doi.org/10.1177/17534666221148663
URL: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/17534666221148663
Kognitīvajās zinātnēs:
Linking the space in visual and haptics / Liga Zarina, Jurgis Skilters, Solvita Umbrasko, Egle Zilinskaite-Sinkūniene. - References: p.47 // 45th European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP), 27-31 August, 2023, Paphos, Cyprus : Abstract Book. - Paphos, 2023. - P.47.
SAGE Journals ir akadēmiskās izdevniecības SAGE pilntekstu žurnālu datubāze, kas piedāvā rakstus vairāk nekā 1100 žurnālos humanitārās un sociālās zinātnēs, medicīnā, dzīvības, biomedicīnas zinātnēs u.c. nozarēs. SAGE piedāvā vienkāršo un paplašināto rakstu meklēšanu, rakstu pārlūkošanu pa nozarēm un žurnālu pārlūkošanu pēc alfabēta vai nozarēm.