Ekonomikas un vadības fakultāte

- Baumane-Vītoliņa, Ilona. Uzņēmumu resursi kā inovācijas ietiekmējošais faktors : promocijas darba kopsavilkums vadībzinātņu doktora zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai, apakšnozare: uzņēmējdarbības vadība / Ilona Baumane-Vītoliņa ; darba zinātniskā vadītāja Ērika Šumilo ; rec.: Pēteris Rivža, Vulfs Kozlinskis, Elīna Gaile-Sarkane ; Latvijas Universitāte. - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - 121 lpp. : tab. - Ietver bibliogrāfiju (zemsvītras piezīmēs). - Teksts paralēli latviešu, angļu valodās.
- Bikse, Veronika. Uzņēmējspējas / Veronika Bikse. - Rīga : Rīgas domes Izglītības, kultūras un sporta departaments, 2011. - 132 lpp. : tab. - Bibliogr.: 129.-132. lpp. - "Grāmata ir sagatavota un izdota ar Centrālbaltijas jūras reģiona pārrobežu sadarbības programmas (Central Baltic INTERREG IV A Programme 2007-2013) projekta Uzņēmējprasmju attīstības veicināšana Zviedrijā, Igaunijā, Latvijā un Somijā 2009.-2011. un Rīgas domes Izglītības, kultūras un sporta departamenta atbalstu" -- Titlp. 2. pusē.
- Conference proceedings / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2009" ; conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia ... [et al.] ; [scientific committee: Biruta Sloka ... [et al.]]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - 295 lpp. : il., tab. - Ietver bibliogrāfiju (rakstu beigās). - "Riga, May 7-9, 2009. Latvijas Universitāte. EVF, Ekonomikas un vadības fakultāte.".
- Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / galvenās redaktores: Ismena Revina, Inese Vorončuka ; redkol.: Elena Dubra, Ludmila Bandeviča, Elmārs Zelgalvis, Inta Ciemiņa, Ērika Šumilo ... [u.c.]. - [Rīga] : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - 270 lpp. : il., tab. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 766. sēj.). - Ietver bibliogrāfiju (rakstu beigās). - Teksts latviešu val. ar kopsav. angļu val., viens raksts angļu val. ar kopsav. latviešu val. - URL: http://www.lu.lv/fileadmin/user_upload/lu_portal/apgads/PDF/LUR-766_Ekonomika_Vadiba.pdf
- European integration and Baltic Sea region: diversity and perspectives / [editor in chief, Tatjana Muravska ; editors: Roman Petrov, Biruta Sloka and Jānis Vaivads ; editorial board: Indriķis Muižnieks, Tatjana Muravska, Elena Dubra, Zaiga Krišjāne, Artūrs Kučs, Sanita Osipova, Juris Rozenvalds, Biruta Sloka, Jānis Vaivads ... [et al.]]. - Riga : The University of Latvia, 2011. - 650 lpp. : il., kartes, tab. - Ietver bibliogrāfiju (rakstu beigās). - "European Union. European Regional Development Fund, Latvijas Universitāte, EIBSRS, European Integration and Baltic Sea Region Studies."--Uz vāka.
- Inovācijas un Latvijas tautsaimniecība / [Elmārs Zelgalvis, Ligita Melece, Sandra Jēkabsone, Aina Joppe, Marina Kudinska, Dina Popluga, Artūrs Prauliņš, Inna Romānova, Irina Skribāne, Irina Solovjova, Ilze Sproģe, Jānis Sproģis]. - [Rīga] : LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2011. - 167 lpp. : tab., diagr. - Ietver bibliogr. ([152.]-161. lpp.). - Teksts latviešu val., kopsavilkums angļu val. - "Monogrāfija ir sagatavota un izdota LZP sadarbības projekta Nr.10.0016 "Inovatīvas ekonomikas attīstības iespējas mūsdienu mainīgā vidē" 1. posmā"-- Titlp. 2. pusē.
- International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2008" : conference proceedings / International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2008" ; conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Representation of the European Commission in Latvia ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by University of Latvia, Latvian Science council ; [editorial board: Elena Dubra, Māris Purgailis, Inta Ciemiņa, Juris Krūmiņš, Tatjana Muravska, Biruta Sloka, Baiba Šavriņa, Roberts Škapars, Ērika Šumilo, Inga Vilka ... [et al.]]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - 244 lpp. : diagr., sh., tab. - Ietver bibliogrāfiju (rakstu beigās).
- International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010" : conference proceedings / [ed. board: Māris Purgailis, Elena Dubra, Inta Brūna, Inta Ciemiņa, Lūvija Kavale, Juris Krūmiņš, Tatjana Muravska, Biruta Sloka, Baiba Šavriņa, Roberts Škapars, Ērika Šumilo, Inga Vilka, Elvīra Zelgalve ... [et al.]] ; conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - 546 lpp. : diagr., sh., tab. - Ietver bibliogrāfiju (rakstu beigās). - "October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia".
- International Conference for Doctoral Students “Current issues in economic and management sciences" : November 10-12, 2011, Riga, University of Latvia : conference proceedings / [scientific committee - editorial board: Ismena Revina (co-chair), Inesa Vorončuka (co-chair), Sandis Babris, Edgars Brēķis, Inta Brūna, Džineta Dimante, Juris Krūmiņš, Tatjana Muravska, Māris Purgailis, Inna Romānova, Biruta Sloka, Roberts Škapars, Ērika Šumilo, Elvīra Zelgalve... [et al.]] ; organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - 712 lpp. : il., diagr., tab. - Ietver bibliogrāfiju (rakstu beigās).
- Management horizons in changing economic environment visions and challenges : proceedings of the 11th International scientific conference, 22-24 September 2011 / sc. com. of the conf. : P. Zarkevičius, E. Zelgalve, J. Krumins ... [et al.] ; European Management Association, Baltic Management Foundation, Vytautas Magnus University. - Kaunas : Vytautas Magnus University, 2011. - 760 p. : fig., tab.
- Millere, Inta. Grāmatvedības attīstība Latvijā : monogrāfija / Inta Millere ; rec.: Elvīra Zelgalve ... [u.c.]. - Rīga : LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2011. - 239 lpp. : tab. - Ietver bibliogr. ([223.]-233. lpp.). - Teksts latviešu val., kopsavilkums angļu val.
- Praude, Valērijs. Mārketings : teorija un prakse / Valērijs Praude ; [rec.: Biruta Sloka, Daina Šķiltere ... u.c.]. - [Rīga] : Burtene, [2011]. - 2 sēj. : il., tab. - Ietver bibliogrāfiju.
- Purmalis, Kārlis. Latvijas darba tirgus analīze un tā attīstības perspektīvas : promocijas darbs ekonomikas doktora (Dr.oec.) zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai ; nozare: ekonomika ; apakšnozare : Latvijas tautsaimniecība / Kārlis Purmalis ; darba zinātniskais vadītājs Roberts Škapars ; rec.: Ē. Šumilo, N. Baranovskis, A. Bagidenko ; Latvijas Universitāte. Ekonomikas un vadības fakultāte. Tautsaimniecības katedra. - Rīga , 2011. - 176 lp. : diagr., tab + 1 CD. - Ietver bibliogrāfiju (167.-175. lp.).
- Purmalis, Kārlis. Latvijas darba tirgus analīze un tā attīstības perspektīvas = Analysis of the labour market of Latvia and its development possibilities : promocijas darba kopsavilkums doktora zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai ekonomikā, apakšnozare : Latvijas tautsaimniecība / Kārlis Purmalis ; [darba zinātniskais vadītājs Roberts Škapars ; rec.: Ē. Šumilo ... u.c.] ; Latvijas Universitāte. Ekonomikas un vadības fakultāte. - Rīga : [Latvijas Universitāte], 2011. - 113 lpp. : diagr., tab. - Ietver bibliogrāfiju (55.-56. lpp.). - Teksts latviešu un angļu valodās.
- The seventh year as European Union member states : economics, politics, law : proceedings of the International conference, 6-7 May 2011 / Latvian Academy of Sciences, Mykolas Romeris University, Riga Stradiņš University, College of Law ; [organisational and programme committee of the conference: Tālavs Jundzis ... [et al.] ; scientific reviewers: ... Tālavs Jundzis ... [et al.]]. - Riga : [Baltic Centre for Strategic Studies, Latvian Academy of Sciences], 2011. - 375, [1] lpp. : il., tab. - Ietver bibliogrāfiju (zemsvītras piezīmēs). - Angļu val.; kopsavilkumi igauņu, krievu, latviešu, lietuviešu, poļu, vācu un zviedru val.
- Statistikas zinātnisko pētījumu rezultāti, 2011 : zinātniskie raksti = The results of statistical scientific research, 2011 : research paper / redkol.: Oļģerts Krastiņš, Ilmārs Vanags, Pēteris Zvidriņš ... [u.c.] ; Latvijas Republikas Centrālā statistikas pārvalde. - Rīga : Latvijas Republikas Centrālā statistikas pārvalde, 2011. - 204 lpp. : diagr., tab. - Teksts latviešu, angļu val.
- Zelgalve, Elvīra. Ražošanas uzņēmumu kapitāla veidošanas problēmas / Elvīra Zelgalve, Irina Bērzkalne ; rec.: Marina Kudinska ... [u.c.]. - Rīga : LU Ekonomikas un vadības fakultāte, 2011. - 183, [9] lpp. : il., tab. - Ietver bibliogrāfiju (178.-182. lpp.). - Kopsavilkums angļu valodā.
***** - 21. gadsimts - jauns skats uz ekonomiku : 2. [d.] / I. Brīvers, Dž. Dimante, T. Tambovceva, Dz. Atstāja, J. Malzubris, M. Keneta. - Literatūra: 77.-78.lpp. // Vide un ekonomika : monogrāfija / red. Anna Šmite ; Latvijas Universitāte. - Rīga : LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2011. - 39.-78.lpp. : il. - "Grāmata sagatavota un izdota ar Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenta projekta LV 0044 "Vides zinātnes studiju satura attīstība un studiju materiālu izstrāde" atbalstu."--Titlp. 2. pusē.
- Adonjeva, Karina. Brand image influence on customer satisfaction on international scale / Karina Adonjeva, Baiba Savrina // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.9. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Adonjeva, Karina. Brand image influence on customer satisfaction on international scale / Karina Adonjeva, Baiba Savrina. - References: p.12-13 // Conference proceedings : International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011" / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.7-13 : fig. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Atstāja, Dz. Inovatīva pieeja ilgtspējīgas attīstības un vides ekonomikas studijās = Innovation approaches of study sustainable development and environmental economics / Dz. Atstāja, Dž. Dimante // RTU IEVF Ekonomikas un uzņēmējdarbības zinātniskā konference (SCEE'2011) : 52. RTU starptautiskā zinātniskā konference : Rīgā, 2011. gada 7. oktobrī : konferences ziņojumu tēžu krājums / Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte. Inženierekonomikas un vadības fakultāte = RTU FEEM scientific conference on economics and entrepreneurship (SCEE'2010) : 52nd International scientific conference of Riga Tehnical University : October 7, 2011, Riga : conference abstracts proceedings / Riga Technical University. Faculty of Engineering economics and management. - Rīga : RTU Izdevniecība, 2011. - 21.lpp.
- Attīstības ilgtspējas scenāriju analīze un nozaru politikas : 6. [d.] / Dž. Dimante, Dz. Atstāja, T. Tambovceva, I. Brīvers, J. Malzubris. - Literatūra: 213.-214.lpp. // Vide un ekonomika : monogrāfija / red. Anna Šmite ; Latvijas Universitāte. - Rīga : LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2011. - 167.-214.lpp. : il. - "Grāmata sagatavota un izdota ar Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenta projekta LV 0044 "Vides zinātnes studiju satura attīstība un studiju materiālu izstrāde" atbalstu."--Titlp. 2. pusē.
- Ābika, Lilija. Factor hindering artists' economic activities in Latvia the results and recomendations / Lilija Ābika, Ilze Āboliņa // International Conference for Doctoral Students “Current issues in economic and management sciences" : November 10-12, 2011, Riga, University of Latvia : abstracts of reports / organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P. 17.
- Āboliņa, Ilze. Factors hindering artists' economic activities in Latvia / Ilze abolina, Laimdota Kaire. - (Section "International environment impact on entrepreneurship"). - Bibliogr.: p.363 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.360-363.
- Ādamsons, Vilnis. Latvian pension system problems in economic difficulties / Vilnis Ādamsons // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.11. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Babris, Sandis. Transforming intellectual organizations into learning organizations / Sandis Babris // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.12. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Balode, Ilze. Estimation of the Latvian households Almost Ideal Demand System of commodities / Ilze Balode, Inta Ciemiņa // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.13. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Baltiņa, Līga. Regional development policy in Latvia : ahead or behind the EU cohesion policy ? / Liga Baltina, Tatjana Muravska. - (Macro regions, territorial and spatial development : part V). - Bibliogr.: p.431-432 // European integration and Baltic Sea region: diversity and perspectives. - Riga : The University of Latvia, 2011. - P.422-432 : fig.
- Bandeviča, Ludmila. Assessment of production factors return in agribusiness / Ludmila Bandeviča, Guna Salputra. - (Section "Business modelling and quantitative analysis, problems and solutions"). - Bibliogr.: p.154-155 // International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2009", Riga, May 7-9, 2009, Riga : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.147-155 : diagr., tab.
- Bandeviča, Ludmila. Improvement possibilities of the methodology of public procurement / Ludmila Bandeviča, Ilona Vorkale. - (Section "The development of globalization and its impact on entrepreneurship, public administration and society"). - Bibliogr.: p.39. // International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2009", Riga, May 7-9, 2009, Riga : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.34-39 : ill.
- Bandeviča, Ludmila. Information society problems in Latvia / Ludmila Bandeviča, Uldis Rozevskis. - (Section "Human development and challenges of management education"). - Bibliogr.: p.230 // International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2009", Riga, May 7-9, 2009, Riga : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.225-230 : diagr.
- Barānova, Daira. Higher education programs in Latvia in the context of labour market development / Daira Barānova. - (4. section "Emploument and labour mobility problems"). - Bibliogr.: p.236 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2008" : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Representation of the European Commission in Latvia ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by University of Latvia, Latvian Science council. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.231-236 : fig., tab.
- Barānova, Daira. Latvijas darba tirgus tendences un izaicinājumi = Tendencies and challenges of labor market in Latvia / Daira Barānova, Elena Dubra. - Literatūra : 36.-37.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 37.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 771.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [24.]-37.lpp. : diagr., karte.
- Batraga, Anda. Corporate identity overview: concept, definition, development / Anda Batraga, Didzis Rūtītis // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.16-17. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Batraga, Anda. Corporate identity overview: concept, definition, development / Anda Batraga, Didzis Rūtītis. - References: p.612-613 // Conference proceedings : International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011" / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.603-613 : fig., tab. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Batraga, Anda. Non-traditional marketing integration into marketing communications / Anda Batraga, Ksenija Dmitrijeva // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.14-15. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Batraga, Anda. Non-traditional marketing integration into marketing communications / Anda Batraga, Ksenija Dmitrijeva. - References: p.36-37 // Conference proceedings : International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011" / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.23-37 : fig. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Batraga, Anda. The problem of Latvian interpretation of the term "marketing" in education and globalization context / Anda Batraga, Elena Shalkovska. - (Section "Market research and marketing in company and region stategic development"). - Bibliogr.: p.261 // International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2009", Riga, May 7-9, 2009, Riga : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.253-261 : diagr., tab.
- Bausova, Irina. Design branch development in Latvia / Irina Bausova // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.19. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Behmane, Dana. The impact of international regulation on the pharmaceutical market in Latvia / Dana Behmane, Ērika Šumilo // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.20. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Benders, Juris. The development of invironmental management systems in Universities / Juris Benders. - (Section "Education and labour market"). - Bibliogr.: p.149 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.144-149.
- Bērziņa, Kristīne. Economy, organization and environment of travel agencies / Kristīne Bērziņa // Environmental management in states with coastal problems: through research, education & leadership to sustainable development : July 8-12, 1998, University of Latvia, Riga. Part 1, Abstracts. - P.21.
- Bērziņš, Atis. Depopulation in the Baltic States / Atis Bērziņš, Pēteris Zvidriņš. - Bibliogr.: p.47-48 - Kopsav. lietuviešu val.: Depopulacija Baltijos šalyse, p.48. // Lithuanian Journal of Statistics. - Vol. 50, N 1 (2011), p. 39-48 : fig. - URL: http://www.statisticsjournal.lt/index.php/statisticsjournal/article/view/57
- Bērziņš, Atis. Latvijas iedzīvotāju etniskā sastāva izmaiņas = Changes of ethnic structure in Latvia / Atis Bērziņš, Pēteris Zvidriņš. - Literatūra: 15.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 15.lpp. // Statistikas zinātnisko pētījumu rezultāti, 2011 : zinātniskie raksti = The results of statistical scientific research, 2011 : research paper. - Rīga : Latvijas Republikas Centrālā statistikas pārvalde, 2011. - 5.-15.lpp. : att., tab.
- Bērziņš, Gundars. Konkurētspējas paaugstināšanas sistēma radošo nozaru organizācijās = Systems for increasing competitiveness in creative industries/ Gundars Bērziņš, Vizma Niedrīte. - Literatūra : 381.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 381.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 771.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [368.]-381.lpp. : diagr., tab.
- Bērziņš, Gundars. Radošo nozaru stratēģiskās vadīšanas īpatnības un prakse Latvijā = Strategic management in creative industries : specific and practices in Latvia / Gundars Bērziņš. - Literatūra : 366.-367.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 367.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 771.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [354.]-367.lpp. : diagr., tab.
- Bērziņš, Gundars. Strategic-operational management of the creative industries in organizations / Gundars Bērziņš // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.21. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Bērziņš, Gundars. Stratēģiski operatīvā vadīšanas sistēma radošo nozaru organizācijās = Strategic-operational management in creative industries / Gundars Bērziņš. - Bibliogr.: 135.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 135.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 766.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [121.]-135.lpp. : sh., tab. - URL: http://www.lu.lv/fileadmin/user_upload/lu_portal/apgads/PDF/LUR-766_Ekonomika_Vadiba.pdf
- Blūzma, Valdis. Judikatūras kā tiesību avota evolūcija salīdzinošās jurisprudences aspektā : [referāts Latvijas Universitātes 69.konf. "Aktuālas tiesību realizācijas problēmas"] / Valdis Blūzma. - Bibliogr. un koment.: 217.-225.lpp. // Aktuālas tiesību realizācijas problēmas. - (2011), 216.-226.lpp.
- Blūzma, Valdis. Kā tika atrasts ceļs uz Latvijas neatkarību / Valdis Blūzma. - Bibliogr.: 108.lpp. // Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Vēstis. - (A.daļa, Sociālās un humanitārās zinātnes). - ISSN 1407-0081. - 65.sēj., Nr.1/2 (2011), 103.-108.lpp.
- Brante, Inese. Income inequality and economic growth in Latvia over the last decade / Inese Brante. - Bibliogr.: p.111 // International Conference for Doctoral Students “Current issues in economic and management sciences" : November 10-12, 2011, Riga, University of Latvia : conference proceedings / organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P. 103-113 : fig.
- Brante, Inese. Income inequality and economic growth in Latvia over the last decade / Inese Brante. // International Conference for Doctoral Students “Current issues in economic and management sciences" : November 10-12, 2011, Riga, University of Latvia : abstracts of reports / organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P. 20.
- Brante, Inese. Valsts loma ienākumu nevienlīdzībasregulēšanā = The state role in the income inequality regulation / Inese Brante. - Literatūra : 58.-59.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 59.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 771.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [47.]-59.lpp. : diagr., karte.
- Brence, Ieva. Darba praktizēšana ar stipendiju pašvaldībās un tās ietekme uz uzņēmējdarbības veicināšanu un nabadzības riska mazināšanu = Impact of work practice with stipend in municipalities on entrepreneurship development and poverty risk reduction / Ieva Brence, Biruta Sloka, Ināra Kantāne. - Literatūra : 406.-407.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 407.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 771.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [395.]-407.lpp. : diagr., tab.
- Brēķis, Edgars. FDI and economic growth : are sectors important / Edgars Brēķis. - (Section "International environment impact on entrepreneurship"). - Bibliogr.: p.359 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.354-359 : tab.
- Brēķis, Edgars. Interactions between EU Funds during 2007-2013 period : the results and recomendations / Edgars Brēķis, Ismena Revina, Arild Saether. // International Conference for Doctoral Students “Current issues in economic and management sciences" : November 10-12, 2011, Riga, University of Latvia : abstracts of reports / organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P. 9.
- Brizga, Jānis. Analysis of economic policy and crisis management in Latvia from perspective of green economics / Janis Brizga, Dzintra Atstaja, Dzineta Dimante // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.26-27. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Brizga, Jānis. Analysis of economic policy and crisis management in Latvia from perspective of green economics / Janis Brizga, Dzintra Atstaja, Dzineta Dimante. - References: p.83-84 // Conference proceedings : International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011" / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.75-84 : fig. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Brizga, Jānis. Sustauinable consumption and production in the Baltic sea Region / Janis Brizga, Dzintra Atstaja, Dzineta Dimante. - Bibliogr.: p.1019-1020 // Chineses Business Review. - Vol. 10, N 11 (2011), p. 1009-1020.
- Brūna, Inta. Integration of environmental performance in accounting of enterprises in Latvia / Inta Brūna. - (Section "Finance and accounting : development and trends"). - Bibliogr.: p.423 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.416-423 : tab.
- Brūna, Silvija. New approaches to human capital development in public administration in Latvia / Silvija Bruna, Zaneta Ilmete, Marija Simonova. - (Research, innovation and competitiveness : part VI). - Bibliogr.: p.532 // European integration and Baltic Sea region: diversity and perspectives. - Riga : The University of Latvia, 2011. - P.523-532 : fig.
- Bulis, Aldis. Ķīnas izaugsmes ietekme uz Eiropas Savienības ekonomisko attīstību / Aldis Bulis, Roberts Škapars. - (Eiropas Savienības politikas). - Bibliogr. parindēs. // Latvijas Intereses Eiropas Savienībā. - Nr. 3 (2011), 60.-66.lpp.
- Correspondence of professional and higher education programmes to labour market requirements in Latvia / Juris Dzelme, Gatis Kristaps, Biruta Sloka, Jānis Vaivads. - (2. section "Education and labour market"). - Bibliogr.: p.140-141 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2008" : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Representation of the European Commission in Latvia ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by University of Latvia, Latvian Science council. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.126-141 : tab.
- Creation of local support group on path to well being in municipality : Salaspils Municipality case / Ansis Grantins, Biruta Sloka, Inara Kantane, Inga Jekabsone, Agnese Vaivade, Julija Vladimirova. - (Section "Regional development problems - promotion of competitiveness"). - Bibliogr.: p.299 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.292-299 : fig.
- Current issues of professional education for mechanical engineering and metalworking industries in Latvia / Arturs Graudins, Biruta Sloka, Ilze Brante, Elita Lauciņa, Inesa Vorončuka. - (Section "Education and labour market"). - Bibliogr.: p.157-158 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.150-158 : tab., fig.
- Danusēvičs, Mārtiņš. Mazumtirdzniecības objektu atrašanās vietas noteikšanas metožu komplekss = Retail object location selection method complex / Mārtiņš Danusēvičs. - Literatūra : 414.-415.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 415.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 771.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [408.]-415.lpp. : diagr., tab.
- Danusēvičs, Mārtiņš. Retail trade tendencies in Europe / Mārtiņš Danusēvičs // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.30. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Dimante, Džineta. Dabas resursu ekonomika : 3. [d.] / Dž. Dimante, J. Malzubris. - Literatūra: 92.lpp. // Vide un ekonomika : monogrāfija / red. Anna Šmite ; Latvijas Universitāte. - Rīga : LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2011. - 79.-92.lpp. : il. - "Grāmata sagatavota un izdota ar Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenta projekta LV 0044 "Vides zinātnes studiju satura attīstība un studiju materiālu izstrāde" atbalstu."--Titlp. 2. pusē.
- Dimante, Džineta. Sustainability analysis of industry / Džineta Dimante. - (Section "The role of tourism and environmental management in economic development"). - Bibliogr.: p.209 // International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2009", Riga, May 7-9, 2009, Riga : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.202-209 : tab.
- Dubra, Elena. Latvian labour market analyses and development possibilities / Elena Dubra. - (1. section "Labour market analysis and forecasting"). - Bibliogr.: p.86 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2008" : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Representation of the European Commission in Latvia ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by University of Latvia, Latvian Science council. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.77-86 : fig.
- Dubra, Ilona. Innovation as a new business philosophy / Ilona Dubra // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.33. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Dubra, Ilona. Key factors affecting development of the enterprise innovation capacity / Ilona Dubra. - Bibliogr.: p.183-185 // International Conference for Doctoral Students “Current issues in economic and management sciences" : November 10-12, 2011, Riga, University of Latvia : conference proceedings / organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P. 174-185 : fig.
- Dubra, Ilona. Key factors affecting development of the enterprise innovation capacity / Ilona Dubra // International Conference for Doctoral Students “Current issues in economic and management sciences" : November 10-12, 2011, Riga, University of Latvia : abstracts of reports / organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P. 29.
- Dubra, Ilona. Mobilization of human capital in science and technology for innovation creation = Cilvēkkapitāla mobilizācija zinātnē un tehnoloģijās, lai radītu inovācijas / Ilona Dubra. - Literatūra : 111.-112.lpp. - Kopsav. latviešu val.: 112.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 771.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [100.]-113.lpp. : diagr., tab.
- Dubra, Ilona. Significance of innovation activities in the challenging socio-economic environment of today = Inovāciju nozīme mūsdienu sociālekonomiskajā vidē / Ilona Dubra. - Bibliogr.: 60.-62.lpp. - Kopsav. latviešu val.: 63.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 766.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [48.]-63.lpp. : diagr., sh., tab. - URL: http://www.lu.lv/fileadmin/user_upload/lu_portal/apgads/PDF/LUR-766_Ekonomika_Vadiba.pdf
- Dubra, Vladimirs. Darba vērtēšana / Vladimirs Dubra // Environmental management in states with coastal problems: through research, education & leadership to sustainable development : July 8-12, 1998, University of Latvia, Riga. Part 1, Abstracts. - P.2.
- Education and promotion of public acceptance in order to facilitate hydrogen usage as an alternative energy carrier/ Justs Dimants, Biruta Sloka, Jānis Kleperis, Ilze Klepere. - (Section "Education and labour market"). - Bibliogr.: p.112 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.108-112 : tab.
- Ernšteins, Raimonds. Sustainable coastal development in Latvia : integrated communication and indicators application / Raimonds Ernšteins, Janis Kaulins, Ivars Kudrenickis. - (Section "The role of tourism and environmental management in economic development"). - Bibliogr.: p.201 // International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2009", Riga, May 7-9, 2009, Riga : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.197-201.
- Evaluation of Neck, Shoulders, Arms and Hands Muscles Fatique of Sewers using Myotonometric Method and Effectiveness of Early Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation / Z. Roja, V. Kalkis, H. Kalkis, I. Roja. - References: p.442-443 // Advances in occupational, social, and organizational ergonomics / editors: Peter Vink, Jussi Kantola. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2011. - P.431-443 : fig., tab.
- Feifere, Santa. Labour and economic growth through education and research in Latvia / Santa Feifere, Pēteris Zvidriņš. - Bibliogr.: p.30-31 // Europien Integration Studies. - N 5 (2011), p. 26-31 : fig. - URL: http://www.ktu.lt/lt/mokslas/zurnalai/eis/05/Feifere_Zvidrins_2011_26-31p.pdf
- Freimane, Rita. Lata reālais efektīvais valūtas kurss un konkurētspēja: ekonometrisks novērtējums = Real effective exchange rate of the lat and competitiveness: an econometric assessment / Rita Freimane. - Literatūra: 30.-31.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 31.lpp. // Statistikas zinātnisko pētījumu rezultāti, 2011 : zinātniskie raksti = The results of statistical scientific research, 2011 : research paper. - Rīga : Latvijas Republikas Centrālā statistikas pārvalde, 2011. - 23.-31.lpp. : att., tab.
- Freimane, Rita. Sustainable real effective exchange rate in Latvia / Rita Freimane. - Bibliogr.: p.214-215 // International Conference for Doctoral Students “Current issues in economic and management sciences" : November 10-12, 2011, Riga, University of Latvia : conference proceedings / organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P. 206-215 : fig.
- Freimane, Rita. Sustainable real effective exchange rate in Latvia / Rita Freimane. // International Conference for Doctoral Students “Current issues in economic and management sciences" : November 10-12, 2011, Riga, University of Latvia : abstracts of reports / organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P. 32.
- Garleja, Rasma. Emocionālā inteliģence patērētāju uzvedībā / Rasma Garleja, Ella Jākobsone. - (Psiholoģija. Pedagoģija). - Literatūras saraksts : 234.lpp. // Izaicinājumu un iespēju laiks : problēmas, risinājumi, perspektīvas : starptautiskā jauno pētnieku un studentu zin. prakt. konference, 2011.gada 26. - 28.maijs, Rēzekne = Time of challenges and oppotunities: problems, solutions and perspectives : International scientific-practical conference of young scientists and students, May 26 - 28, 2011, Rezekne = Время вызовов и возможностей: проблемы, решения, перспективы : международная научно-практическая конференция молодых ученых и студентов, 26 - 28 май 2011 года, Резекне / rec.: Vera Amosova, Karīne Laganovska, Ivars Matisovs ... [u.c.] ; Baltijas Starptautiskā akadēmija, Rēzeknes Augstskola, Latvijas Mākslas akadēmijas Latgales filiāle. - Rēzekne : [b.i.], 2011. - [225.]-234.lpp. : diagr.
- Garleja, Rasma. Pedagoģijas vieta sabiedrības korporatīvās identitātes kontekstā : kopsavilkums / Rasma Garleja, Airita Brenča - Teksts paralēli angļu un latviešu val. // Izglītība izaugsmei : pagātne, tagadne un nākotne : zinātnisko rakstu kopsavilkumu krājums un rakstu krājums CD formātā izdots ar Izglītības un zinātnes ministrijas finansiālu atbalstu : Apvienotais Pasaules latviešu zinātnieku 3. kongress un Letonikas 4. kongress : Rīgā, 2011. gada 24.-27. oktobrī. - Rīga : [b. i.], 2011. - 13.lpp. - Raksta pilnais teksts pieejams pielikumā CD-ROM formātā.
- Gromovs, Juris. 97. Ikvienam, kas likumīgi uzturas Latvijas teritorijā, ir tiesības brīvi pārvietoties un izvēlēties dzīvesvietu / Juris Gromovs. - Atsauces parindēs // Latvijas Republikas Satversmes komentāri : VIII nodaļa : cilvēka pamattiesības. - Rīga : Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2011. - 267.-288.lpp.
- Gulbe, Māra. Informācijas sabiedrības un IKT nozares statistiskie rādītāji Latvijā un Eiropā = Statistical indicators of information society and ICT industry in latvia and Europe / Māra Gulbe, Signe Bāliņa. - Literatūra : 474.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 475.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 771.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [466.]-475.lpp. : diagr., tab.
- Gulbe, Māra. Labour market in Latvia : situation in state sectors and private sectors / Māra Gulbe, Ismena Revina. - (1. section "Labour market analysis and forecasting"). - Bibliogr.: p.53 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2008" : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Representation of the European Commission in Latvia ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by University of Latvia, Latvian Science council. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.41-53 : fig., tab.
- Hazans, Mihails. Labor market integration of ethnic minorities in Latvia / Mihails Hazans. // Ethnic diversity in European labor markets : challenges and solutions / ed.: Martin Kahanec, Klaus F. Zimmermann. - Northampton : Edward Elgar Pub., 2011. - P.163-197.
- Hazans, Mihails. Latvijas emigrācijas mainīgā seja: 2000-2010 / [Mihails Hazans]. - Aut. uzrād. priekšvārdā // Latvija : pārskats par tautas attīstību : 2010/2011 : nacionālā identitāte, mobilitāte un rīcībspēja. - Rīga : LU Sociālo un politisko pētījumu institūts, 2011. - 70.-91.lpp. : tab., diagr.
- Ilmete, Žanete. Kopējā kompetences līmeņa paaugstināšana projektu vadīšanā - jauna projektu darbu attīstības perspektīva organizācijās / Ž. Ilmete, M. Simonova. - Bibliogr.: 55.lpp. - Kopsav. latviešu, angļu val.: 55.-56.lpp. // Starpreģionālās ekonomiskās integrācijas attīstības stratēģija ES apstākļos :starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli : 2010. gada 3.-4. decembris = Strategies of interregional economic integration development in the context of the EU : International Scientific Conference materials the 3rd and 4th December 2010 / Daugavpils Universitāte. Sociālo zinātņu fakultāte. Sociālo pētījumu institūts & Ekonomikas katedra. - Daugavpils : Saule, 2011. - 51.-56.lpp.
- Ilmete, Žanete. The profession of project manager and its development prospects / Zanete Ilmete, Emils Pulmanis, Silvija Bruna. - Bibliogr.: p. 152 // Management horizons in changing economic environment visions and challenges : proceedings of the 11th International scientific conference, 22-24 September 2011 / European Management Association, Baltic Management Foundation, Vytautas Magnus University. - Kaunas : Vytautas Magnus University, 2011. - P.[145]-152 : fig.
- Ilmete, Žanete. Projektu vadīšanas metodoloģija = Project management methodology / Žanete Ilmete. - Literatūra : 488.-489.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 489.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 771.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [476.]-489.lpp. : diagr.
- Improvement of inventory control under parametric uncertainty and constraints / N. Nechval, K. Nechval, M. Purgailis, U. Rozevskis // Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms : 10th International Conference, ICANNGA 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia, April 14-16, 2011 : proceedings. - (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; Vol. 6594). - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag, 2011. - Part 2, p.136-146. - URL: https://springerlink3.metapress.com/content/0l02j3753430q350/resource-secured/?target=fulltext.pdf&sid=o1eljhyy0gqdeuzmrut4v3qa&sh=www.springerlink.com
- Improvement of statistical decisions under parametric uncertainty / N. Nechval, K. Nechval, M. Purgailis, G. Berzins, U. Rozevskis // AIP Conference Proceedings. - Vol.1394, N 1 (2011), p.47-57.
- Integrated coastal management for local municipalities in Latvia: sustainability governance and indicator system / R. Ernsteins, J. Kaulins, E. Lice, A. Štals // WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. - Vol.149 (2011), p.29-40. - URL: http://library.witpress.com/pages/paperinfo.asp?PaperID=21971
- Jotkute, Anzela. Analysis of inflation and economic growth / Anzela Jotkute, Daina Šķiltere // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.57. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Jundzis, Tālavs. Globālie riski un to ietekme uz Eiropas Savienību / Tālavs Jundzis. - (Starptautisko tiesību apakšnozare). - Bibliogr. un koment.: 150.-151.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu, krievu val. // Administratīvā un Kriminālā Justīcija. - ISSN 1407-2971 - Nr.2/3 (2011, apr./maijs/jūn./jūl./aug./sept.), 146.-151.lpp.
- Jundzis, Tālavs. The influence of global risks on the European Union / Tālavs Jundzis. - Atsauces parindēs. - Kopsav. latviešu val.: Globālie riski un to ietekme uz Eiropas Savienību, 44.lpp. // The seventh year as European Union member states : economics, politics, law : proceedings of the International conference, 6-7 May 2011 / Latvian Academy of Sciences, Mykolas Romeris University, Riga Stradiņš University, College of Law. - Riga : [Baltic Centre for Strategic Studies, Latvian Academy of Sciences], 2011. - 32.-44.lpp.
- Jundzis, Tālavs. Latvijas Republikas Pilsoņu kongresa tiesiskais statuss un stratēģija Latvijas neatkarības atjaunošanai / Jundzis Tālavs. - (Politikas un vērtību transformācija. 3. daļa). - Atsauces : 223.-226.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: The legal status of the Congress of Citizens of the Republic of Latvia and its proposed strategy for the restoration of independence of Latvia, 221.-223.lpp. // 1990. gada 4. maija Latvijas Neatkarības deklarācija: starptautiskie un iekšpolitiskie aspekti : starptautiskas zinātniskas konferences rakstu krājums / zinātniskie redaktori: Inesis Feldmanis, Jānis Taurēns ; konferences organizētāji: Latvijas Vēsturnieku komisija ... [u.c.]. - Rīga : LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2011. - 205.-226.lpp.
- Kalniņa, Inese. Employment problems of ethnic minorities / Inese Kalniņa. - (4. section "Emploument and labour mobility problems"). - Bibliogr.: p.243-244 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2008" : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Representation of the European Commission in Latvia ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by University of Latvia, Latvian Science council. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.237-244.
- Kaļķis, Henrijs. Ergonomics and quality management / Henrijs Kalkis, Valerijs Praude, Irina Rezepina. - (Section "Innovations and competitiveness"). - Bibliogr.: p.196 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.193-196 : fig., tab.
- Kaļķis, Henrijs. Ergonomics relationship to company's operations management / Henrijs Kalkis // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.60. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Kaļķis, Henrijs. Ergonomikas nozīme organizācijas procesu kvalitātes vadībā = Role of ergonomics in organisation process quality management / Henrijs Kaļķis, Valērijs Praude, Irina Rezepina. - Literatūra : 535.-537.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 538.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 771.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [530.]-538.lpp. : diagr., tab.
- Kantāne, Ināra. Development of small and medium sized enterprises in the Baltic countries / Ināra Kantāne, Biruta Sloka. - (Section "Regional development problems - international and national scale aspects"). - Bibliogr.: p.260-261 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.256-261 : fig.
- Kantāne, Ināra. Effective business communication influence on company management / Ināra Kantāne, Ilona Ozoliņa. - Bibliogr.: p.323-324 // International Conference for Doctoral Students “Current issues in economic and management sciences" : November 10-12, 2011, Riga, University of Latvia : conference proceedings / organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P. 317-324 : fig.
- Kantāne, Ināra. Effective business communication influence on company management / Ināra Kantāne, Ilona Ozoliņa. // International Conference for Doctoral Students “Current issues in economic and management sciences" : November 10-12, 2011, Riga, University of Latvia : abstracts of reports / organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P. 44.
- Kantāne, Ināra. Mazo un vidējo uzņēmumu konkurētspēja = Competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises / Ināra Kantāne. - Bibliogr.: 234.-236.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 236.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 766.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [227.]-236.lpp. : diagr. - URL: http://www.lu.lv/fileadmin/user_upload/lu_portal/apgads/PDF/LUR-766_Ekonomika_Vadiba.pdf
- Karnups, Viesturs Pauls. Austrālijas latviešu jaunieši un [Gofa] Vitlama lēmums atzīt Baltijas valstu iekļaušanu PSRS : [referāts 3.Apvienotā Pasaules Latviešu zinātnieku un 4.Letonikas kongresa sekcijā (25.okt.) : ar īsām ziņām par aut.] / Viesturs Pauls Karnups - Bibliogr. un koment. parindēs: 207.-211.lpp. // Latviešu trimdas loma Latvijas neatkarības idejas uzturēšanā : Apvienotā Pasaules latviešu zinātnieku III un Letonikas IV kongresa sekcijas materiāli. - Rīga : Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija, 2011... - ISBN 978-9934-8114-5-6. - (2011), 207.-211.lpp.
- Kasalis, Edgars. Cluster approach as one of determinants for increasing competitiveness of Riga freeport / Edgars Kasalis, Ivars Kasalis, Jānis Kasalis. - Angļu // Ekonomika. - Vilnius. - ISSN 1392-1258. - Vol.90, N 2 (2011), p.88-100.
- Kasalis, Edgars. Clusters approach as one of determinants for increasing competitiveness of freeport of Riga : [referāts Latvijas Jūras akadēmijas 13.starptautiskajā konf. "Ūdens transports un infrastruktūra" Rīgā (28.-29.apr.)] / Edgars Kasalis, Ivars Kasalis, Jānis Kasalis. - Bibliogr.: 43.-44.lpp. // Ūdens transports un infrastruktūra. - ISSN 1691-3817. - (2011), 39.-44.lpp.
- Kaulins, J. Sustainable development indicators for integrated coastal management: Definition area and spatial properties / J. Kaulins, R. Ernsteins, I. Kudreņickis // WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. - Vol.144 (2011), p.299-311. - URL: http://library.witpress.com/pages/PaperInfo.asp?PaperID=21952
- Kavale, Lūcija. Effectiveness of the fiscal policy in Latvia / Lūcija Kavale. - (Section "Finance and accounting : development and trends"). - Bibliogr.: p.470 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.464-470.
- Kavale, Lūcija. Tax policy under the conditions of globalization / Lūcija Kavale. - Bibliogr.: p. 284 // Management horizons in changing economic environment visions and challenges : proceedings of the 11th International scientific conference, 22-24 September 2011 / European Management Association, Baltic Management Foundation, Vytautas Magnus University. - Kaunas : Vytautas Magnus University, 2011. - P.[269]-284 : fig.
- Kavale, Lūcija. Valsts fiskālās politikas veidošana ekonomikas ilgtspējīgai attīstībai = Fiscal state policy for sustainable development / Lūcija Kavale. - Bibliogr.: 131.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val. // Latgales tautsaimniecības pētījumi. - ISSN 1691-5828. - Nr.1 (2011), 117.-133.lpp. : tab.
- Kaže, Valters. Consumer values and consumption patterns driving Latvian strong alcoholic beverages market / Valters Kaže, Andrejs Strateičuks, Roberts Škapars // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.74-75. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Kaže, Valters. Consumer values and consumption patterns driving Latvian strong alcoholic beverages market / Valters Kaže, Andrejs Strateičuks, Roberts Škapars. - References: p.340-341 // Conference proceedings : International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011" / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.331-341 : fig., tab. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Kaže, Valters. Development of rural tourism in Latvia capitalizing on regionally relevant human values / Valters Kaže, Roberts Škapars, Deniss Ščeulovs. - Bibliogr.: p.102-104 - Kopsav. lietuviešu val.: Latvijos Žemes ūkio turizmo pletra regiono socialinių vertybių pagrindu, p.104. // Management Theory & Studies for Rural Business & Infrastructure Development. - Vol.26, N 2 (2011), p.97-104: fig.
- Kaže, Valters. Paradigm shift in consumer segmentation to gain competitive advantages in post-crisis FMCG Markets: lifestyle of social values? / Valters Kaže, Roberts Škapars. - Bibliogr.: p.1272-1273 // Economics & Management. - Vol.16 (2011), p.1266-1273 : fig.
- Kersule, Laura. Motivation impact on employee performance / Laura Kersule, Biruta Sloka, Iluta Skruzkalne. - (Section "Innovations and competitiveness"). - Bibliogr.: p.210-211 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.205-211 : fig., tab.
- Kersule, Laura. Work conditions influence on employee motivation in telecommunication industry in Latvia / Laura Kersule, Biruta Sloka, Iluta Skrūzkalne // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.76-77. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Kersule, Laura. Work conditions influence on employee motivation in telecommunication industry in Latvia / Laura Kersule, Biruta Sloka, Iluta Skrūzkalne. - References: p.349-350 // Conference proceedings : International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011" / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.342-350 : graph, tab. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Keršule, Laura. Darbinieku atdeves un gandarījuma materiālo faktoru analīze telekomunikāciju nozarē Latvijā = Analysis of employees performance and motivation masterial factors in telecommunication branch in Latvia / Laura Keršule, Biruta Sloka. - Literatūra : 124.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 125.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 771.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [114.]-125.lpp. : diagr., tab.
- Klāvs, Gaidis. Assessment of regional employment effects of renewable energy sources integration in the energy sector of Latvia / Gaidis Klāvs, Ivars Kudreņickis. - (3. section "Labour market and regional development"). - Bibliogr.: p.164 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2008" : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Representation of the European Commission in Latvia ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by University of Latvia, Latvian Science council. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.154-164 : tab., fig.
- Kristapsone, Silvija. Izlase un tās veidošanas metodes / Silvija Kristapsone. - Atsauces parindēs // Ievads pētniecībā : stratēģijas, dizaini, metodes. - [Rīga] : RaKa, 2011. - 69.-80.lpp. : tab.
- Krūmiņš, Jānis. Coordination and management of high tech innovations particularly in mobile web applications development / Jānis Krūmiņš. - (Section "Organisation management problems in the knowledge economy"). - Bibliogr.: p.176-177 // International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2009", Riga, May 7-9, 2009, Riga : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.167-177 : diagr.
- Krūmiņš, Juris. Life expectancy and mortality - achievements and challenges : 2.3. / Juris Krumins. - (Population changes, life expectancy and health : chapter 2 / ed. Mare Ainsaar) // Estonian Human Development Rreport, 2010/2011 : Baltic way(s) of human development : twenty years on. - Tallin : Eesti Koostöö kogu, 2011. - (2011), p.51-58 : fig. - With short inform. about aut. p.203.
- Krūmiņš, Juris. Life expectancy and mortality changes in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia since 1990 : comparative overview = Mūža ilguma un mirstības izmaiņas Latvijā, Lietuvā un Igaunijā kopš 1990. gada : salīdzinošs apskats / Juris Krumins, Natalja Dubkova. - Literatūra : 170.-171.lpp. - Kopsav. latviešu val.: 172.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 771.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [158.]-172.lpp. : diagr., tab.
- Krūmiņš, Juris. Performance of the graduates from higher education institutions in the labour market: case of Latvia / Juris Krūmiņš. - (2. section "Education and labour market"). - Bibliogr.: p.107 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2008" : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Representation of the European Commission in Latvia ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by University of Latvia, Latvian Science council. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.99-107 : tab.
- Kudinska, Marina. Latvia's innovation potential as a factor of the development of its economy / Marina Kudinska. - (Section "Innovations and competitiveness"). - Bibliogr.: p.185 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.179-185 : fig., tab.
- Kudinska, Marina. Loan as instrument for financing innovative activity / Marina Kudinska, Irina Solovjova. - Bibliogr.: p. 308 // Management horizons in changing economic environment visions and challenges : proceedings of the 11th International scientific conference, 22-24 September 2011 / European Management Association, Baltic Management Foundation, Vytautas Magnus University. - Kaunas : Vytautas Magnus University, 2011. - P.[299]-308 : fig.
- Lāce-Ate, Dagnija. State export promotion in the light of global economic crisis. An example of Latvia / Dagnija Lāce-Ate // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.91. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Lāce-Ate, Dagnija. State export promotion in the light of global economic crisis. An example of Latvia / Dagnija Lāce-Ate. - References: p.403 // Conference proceedings : International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011" / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.395-403 : tab. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Leitāne, Līga. Atjaunojamo energoresursu izmantošana un ražošana kā reģionālās attīstības instruments / L. Leitāne. - Bibliogr.: 78.-79.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 79.lpp. // Starpreģionālās ekonomiskās integrācijas attīstības stratēģija ES apstākļos :starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli : 2010. gada 3.-4. decembris = Strategies of interregional economic integration development in the context of the EU : International Scientific Conference materials the 3rd and 4th December 2010 / Daugavpils Universitāte. Sociālo zinātņu fakultāte. Sociālo pētījumu institūts & Ekonomikas katedra. - Daugavpils : Saule, 2011. - 74.-79.lpp. : tab.
- Lejniece, Ilona. Statistiskā analīze kredītņēmēju uzvedības izvērtēšanā = Statistical analysis in evaluation of borrowers' behaviour / Ilona Lejniece, Andris Rigerts. - Literatūra: 90.-91.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 91.lpp. // Statistikas zinātnisko pētījumu rezultāti, 2011 : zinātniskie raksti = The results of statistical scientific research, 2011 : research paper. - Rīga : Latvijas Republikas Centrālā statistikas pārvalde, 2011. - 77.-91.lpp. : att., tab.
- Lerhis, Ainārs. Latvijas valsts oficiālā nostāja 1940.-1991.gadā Latvijas valsts juridiskā statusa un neatkarības atgūšanas jautājumos - ieskats Latvijas ārlietu dienesta dokumentos : [referāts 3.Apvienotā Pasaules Latviešu zinātnieku un 4.Letonikas kongresa sekcijā (25.okt.) : ar īsām ziņām par aut.] / Ainārs Lerhis ; ar Tālava Jundža ievadu. - Bibliogr. un koment. parindēs: 63.-72., 75.-78.lpp. // Latviešu trimdas loma Latvijas neatkarības idejas uzturēšanā : Apvienotā Pasaules latviešu zinātnieku III un Letonikas IV kongresa sekcijas materiāli. - Rīga : Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija, 2011... - ISBN 978-9934-8114-5-6 - (2011), 63.-78.lpp.
- Liepiņš, Toms. Significance of liability insurance in national economy / Toms Liepins, Vadims Danovics. - Atsauces: 127.-128.lpp. // Vadībzinātne. Ekonomika : rakstu krājums / Banku augstskola - Rīga : Biznesa un finanšu pētniecibas centrs, 2011. - 2.[sēj]., 122.-128.lpp. : tab.
- Malzubris, Jānis. Ekonomisko regulēšanas līdzekļu loma vides slodzes samazināšanā / Jānis Malzubris // Environmental management in states with coastal problems: through research, education & leadership to sustainable development : July 8-12, 1998, University of Latvia, Riga. Part 1, Abstracts. - P.20.
- Mantrovs, Vadims. Rūpnieciskā īpašuma lietu izskatīšana Latvijā: aktuālie problēmjautājumi un plānotās reformas / Vadims Mantrovs. - Atsauces parindēs // Aktuālas tiesību realizācijas problēmas : Latvijas Universitātes 69. konferences rakstu krājums / [Latvijas Universitāte]. - [Rīga] : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - 38.-47.lpp.
- Manufacturing Process Improvement based on reducing of Ergonomics Risks in Woodworking Enterprise / H. Kalkis, I. Rezepina, V. Praude, Z. Roja, V. Kalkis. - References: p.1208-1209 // Advances in Human Factors, Ergonomics, and Safety in Manufacturing and Service Industries / editors: Waldemar Karwowski, Gavriel Salvendy. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2011. - P.1203-1211 : tab.
- Mārtinsone, Kristīne. Literatūras apskata izveide / Kristīne Mārtinsone, Silvija Kristapsone, Maija Zakriževska. - Bibliogr.: 156.lpp. un atsauces parindēs // Ievads pētniecībā : stratēģijas, dizaini, metodes. - [Rīga] : RaKa, 2011. - 140.-156.lpp. : tab.
- Medne, Ilze. Tūristu apmierinātības faktoru struktūras analīze Latvijā = The analysis of the factor structure of tourist satisfaction in Latvia / Ilze Medne. - Literatūra : 235.-236.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 236.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 771.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [225.]-236.lpp. : diagr., tab.
- Mieriņa, Aiga. Informācijas un komunikāciju tiesību attīstības virzieni jaunā digitālā sabiedrībā / Aiga Mieriņa. - (Tiesību zinātne = Law) // Daugavpils Universitātes 53. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences tēzes : Daugavpils, Latvija, 2011. g. 13.-15. aprīlis = Abstracts of the 53rd International scientific conference of Daugavpils University / Daugavpils Universitāte, Daugavpils Universitātes Jauno zinātnieku asociācija. - Daugavpils : Saule, 2011. - 119.-120.lpp.
- Nečvaļs, Nikolajs. Inspection Policies in Service of Fatigued Aircraft Structures chapter 37 / Nicolaus Nechval, Konstantin Nechval, Maris Purgailis // Electrical Engineering and aplied computing / ed. Sio-Iong Ao, Len Gelman. - (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering ; Vol. 90). - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag, 2011. - P.459-472 : fig. - URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/t126678p72763482/
- Nečvaļs, Nikolajs. Prediction of future values of random quantities based on previously observed data / Nicholaus Nechval, Konstantin Nechval, Maris Purgailis. - Bibliogr.: p.359 // Engineering Letters. - Vol.19, N 4 (2011), p.346-359 : fig.
- Nečvaļs, Nikolajs. Statistical inferences for future outcomes with applications to maintenance and reliability / Nicholas A. Nechval, Konstantin N. Nechval, Maris Purgailis // Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering. - Vol.1 (2011), p.865-871. - URL: http://www.iaeng.org/publication/WCE2011/WCE2011_pp865-871.pdf
- Nečvaļs, Nikolajs. Statistical Pattern Recognition Principles / Nicholas A. Nechval, Konstantin N. Nechval, Maris Purgailis // International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science / ed. Miodrag Lovric. - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2011. - Part 19, p.1453-1457. - URL: http://www.springerlink.com/content/pw0475111364856q/
- Nečvaļs, Nikolajs. Statistical validation of rival models for observable stochastic process and its identification / N.A. Nechval, M. Purgailis, K.N. Nechval // 2011 Baltic Congress on Future Internet and Communications, BCFIC Riga 2011, 16-18 February 2011, Riga. - P.221-228.
- Optimization of prediction intervals for order statistics based on censored data / Nicholas A. Nechval, Maris Purgailis, Konstantin N. Nechval, Uldis Rozevskis // Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering. - Vol.1 (2011), p.63-69. - URL: http://www.iaeng.org/publication/WCE2011/WCE2011_pp63-69.pdf
- Ozoliņa, Ilona. Eksporta veicināšanas un ārvalstu investīciju piesaistes politika / Ilona Ozoliņa // Ziņojums par Latvijas tautsaimniecības attīstību / Latvijas Republikas Ekonomikas ministrija. - Rīga : LR Ekonomikas ministrija, 2011. - Jūnijs (2011), 123.-124.lpp. - Autors norādīts izdevuma sākumā.
- Ozoliņa, Ilona. Role of business communication in effective entrepreneurship management / Ilona Ozoliņa, Ināra Kantāne // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.113. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Pattern recognition based on comparison of maximum separations in input data samples / Konstantin N. Nechval, Nicholas A. Nechval, Maris Purgailis, Vladimir F. Strelchonok, Gundars Berzins, Max Moldovan - (Statistic methods and their applications : session 1) // The 11th International Conference "Reliability and statistics in transportation and communication" : (RelStat'11), 19-22 October 2011, Riga, Latvia : abstracts / edited by Igor V. Kabashkin, Irina V. Yatskiv ; organised by Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Latvia) ... [etc.]. - Rīga : Transport and Telecommunication Institute, 2011. - P.19. - Raksta pilnais teksts pieejams grām. pielikumā CD-ROM formātā.
- Planning inspections in the case of damage tolerance approach to service of fatigued aircraft structures / N. Nechval, K. Nechval, M. Purgailis, V. Strelchonok // International Journal of Performability Engineering. - Vol.7, N 3 (2011), p.279-290.
- Ponomarjovs, Andrejs. The public oversight and quality assurance systems in audit : community or practice / Andrejs Ponomarjovs, Olga Molchanova. - (Section "Finance and accounting : development and trends"). - Bibliogr.: p.462-463 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.458-463.
- Praude, Valērijs. Evaluation of customer equity / Valērijs Praude, Elena Shalkovska. - (Section "Market research and marketing in company and region stategic development"). - Bibliogr.: p.288 // International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2009", Riga, May 7-9, 2009, Riga : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.281-288 : tab.
- Praude, Valērijs. Uzņēmuma konkurētspējīgu priekšrocību būtība un vērtēšana = The essence and assessment of enterprise competitive advantages / Valērijs Praude, Sergejs Volvenkins. - Literatūra : 607.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 608.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 771.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [595.]-608.lpp. : diagr., tab.
- Predictive inferences for future outcomes utilizing the past data and simulation / Konstantin N. Nechval, Nicholas A. Nechval, Maris Purgailis, Vladimir F. Strelchonok, Gundars Berzins, Max Moldovan - (Statistic methods and their applications : session 1) // The 11th International Conference "Reliability and statistics in transportation and communication" : (RelStat'11), 19-22 October 2011, Riga, Latvia : abstracts / edited by Igor V. Kabashkin, Irina V. Yatskiv ; organised by Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Latvia) ... [etc.]. - Rīga : Transport and Telecommunication Institute, 2011. - P.18. - Raksta pilnais teksts pieejams grām. pielikumā CD-ROM formātā.
- Product acceptance models for weibull distribution of lifetime under parametric uncertainty / Konstantin N. Nechval, Nicholas A. Nechval, Maris Purgailis, Vladimir F. Strelchonok, Gundars Berzins, Max Moldovan - (Statistic methods and their applications : session 1) // The 11th International Conference "Reliability and statistics in transportation and communication" : (RelStat'11), 19-22 October 2011, Riga, Latvia : abstracts / edited by Igor V. Kabashkin, Irina V. Yatskiv ; organised by Transport and Telecommunication Institute (Latvia) ... [etc.]. - Rīga : Transport and Telecommunication Institute, 2011. - P.20. - Raksta pilnais teksts pieejams grām. pielikumā CD-ROM formātā.
- Professional education for mechanical engineering and metalworking industries in Latvia: recent development trends / Arturs Graudins, Biruta Sloka, Inesa Vorončuka, Ilze Brante, Elita Lauciņa // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.44. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Professional education for mechanical engineering and metalworking industries in Latvia: recent development trends / Arturs Graudins, Biruta Sloka, Inesa Vorončuka, Ilze Brante, Elita Lauciņa. - References: p.192 // Conference proceedings : International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011" / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.181-192 : graph, tab. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Purgailis, Māris. Latvian State Scientist Emeritus Rasma Garleja: Researcher, Professor, Personality / Māris Purgailis, Aīda Krūze // Emeritētā profesore Rasma Garleja : biobibliogrāfija / Latvijas Universitāte. Bibliotēka. - Rīga : LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2011. - 9.-13.lpp.
- Purgailis, Māris. Valsts emeritētā zinātniece Rasma Garleja: pētniece, docētāja, personība / Māris Purgailis, Aīda Krūze // Emeritētā profesore Rasma Garleja : biobibliogrāfija / Latvijas Universitāte. Bibliotēka. - Rīga : LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2011. - 5.-8.lpp.
- Puriņš, Ilmārs. Decision making in household credit granting process = Lēmumu pieņemšana mājsaimniecību kreditēšanas procesā / Ilmārs Puriņš, Māris Purgailis. - Literatūra : 623.-624.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 625.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 771.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [609.]-625.lpp. : diagr., tab.
- Putniņš, Andris. The role of organizational culture in ensuring of competitive intelligence / Andris Putniņš, Andrejs Cekuls. - (Section "Organisation management problems in the knowledge economy"). - Bibliogr.: p.190 // International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2009", Riga, May 7-9, 2009, Riga : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.185-190 : ill.
- Ramiņa, Beate. Challenges for foreign students at University of Latvia : survey results of foreign students / Beate Ramiņa, Biruta Sloka, Alina Gržibovska. - (Section "Education and labour market"). - Bibliogr.: p.171 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.159-171 : tab.
- Revina, Ismena. Doctoral programmes - a wake-up call for the Baltic countries / Ismena Revina, Arild Saether. - (2. section "Education and labour market"). - Bibliogr.: p.98 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2008" : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Representation of the European Commission in Latvia ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by University of Latvia, Latvian Science council. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.87-98 : tab.
- Risinājumi mijiedarbībā : vide - ekonomika - tautsaimniecība : 7. [d.] / Dz. Atstāja, Dž. Dimante, A. Līviņa, M. Keneta, I. Šīna, A. Ābeltiņa. - Literatūra: 243.lpp. // Vide un ekonomika : monogrāfija / red. Anna Šmite ; Latvijas Universitāte. - Rīga : LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2011. - 215.-243.lpp. : il. - "Grāmata sagatavota un izdota ar Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenta projekta LV 0044 "Vides zinātnes studiju satura attīstība un studiju materiālu izstrāde" atbalstu."--Titlp. 2. pusē.
- Romānova, Inna. Financing the real sector of economy under the conditions of changing economic environment / Inna Romānova. - Bibliogr.: p. 486 // Management horizons in changing economic environment visions and challenges : proceedings of the 11th International scientific conference, 22-24 September 2011 / European Management Association, Baltic Management Foundation, Vytautas Magnus University. - Kaunas : Vytautas Magnus University, 2011. - P.[477]-486 : fig.
- Romānova, Inna. Problems of financing innovation / Inna Romānova, Irina Solovjova. - (Section "Modern banking and corporate governance"). - Bibliogr.: p.546 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.539-546 : tab.
- Rullis, Hermanis. Internet banking broducts : challenges and solutions / Hermanis Rullis, Biruta Sloka // Management theory and practice: synergy in organisations : V International Conference : Tartu, 01–02 April 2011 / ed.: Maaja Vadi, Krista Jaakson, Eneli Kindsiko ; University of Tartu, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Institute of Business Administration. - Tartu : University of Tartu, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 2011. - P. 339-355.
- Rullis, Hermanis. Internet banking quality : marketing possibilities and customers’ loyalty / Hermanis Rullis, Biruta Sloka // Management Theory & Studies for Rural Business & Infrastructure Development. - Vol. 26, N 2 (2011), p.193-200 : fig.
- Rullis, Hermanis. Possibilities for marketing communications within internet bank / Hermanis Rullis, Biruta Sloka // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.129. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Rullis, Hermanis. Possibilities for marketing communications within internet bank / Hermanis Rullis, Biruta Sloka. - References: p.590-591 // Conference proceedings : International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011" / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.582-591 : tab. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Rullis, Hermanis. The role of internet bank in the bank marketing / Hermanis Rullis, Biruta Sloka. - (Section "Modern banking and corporate governance"). - Bibliogr.: p.537-538 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.533-538 : tab.
- Rupeika-Apoga, Ramona. Challenges of financial sector brought by globalisation / Ramona Rupeika-Apoga. - (Section "Modern banking and corporate governance"). - Bibliogr.: p.477 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.471-477 : fig., tab.
- Rupeika-Apoga, Ramona. Globalisation and its impact on banking sector: the case of the Baltic States / Ramona Rupeika-Apoga, Irina Solovjova // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.130. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Rupeika-Apoga, Ramona. Globalisation and its impact on banking sector: the case of the Baltic States / Ramona Rupeika-Apoga, Irina Solovjova. - References: p.602 // Conference proceedings : International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011" / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.592-602 : fig. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Rupeika-Apoga, Ramona. Optimālā valūtas kursa režīma izvēle = Choosing an optimal exchange rate regime / Ramona Rupeika-Apoga. - Literatūra : 254.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 254.-255.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 771.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [246.]-255.lpp. : diagr., tab.
- Saksonova, Svetlana. The analysis of asset and loan portfolios of Latvian commercial banks under the circumstances of the crisis of 2008 and after the crisis / Svetlana Saksonova // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.132. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Saksonova, Svetlana. The analysis of asset and loan portfolios of Latvian commercial banks under the circumstances of the crisis of 2008 and after the crisis / Svetlana Saksonova. - References: p.624-625 // Conference proceedings : International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011" / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.614-625 : fig., tab. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Saksonova, Svetlana. Applying relevant variable analysis to working capital management in short-term operating decisions / Svetlana Saksonova. - (Section "International environment impact on entrepreneurship"). - Bibliogr.: p.393 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.389-393 : tab.
- Saksonova, Svetlana. Approaches to determining optimal asset structure for a commercial bank / Svetlana Saksonova // Proceedings of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology. - Vol.77 (2011), p.625-631. - URL: http://www.waset.org/journals/waset/v77/v77-115.pdf
- Saksonova, Svetlana. The impact of active employment measure on domestic demand in Latvia / Svetlana Saksonova. - Bibliogr.: p.496 // Management horizons in changing economic environment visions and challenges : proceedings of the 11th International scientific conference, 22-24 September 2011 / European Management Association, Baltic Management Foundation, Vytautas Magnus University. - Kaunas : Vytautas Magnus University, 2011. - P.[487]-496 : fig.
- Saksonova, Svetlana. Managing banks' asset and loan portfolios / Svetlana Saksonova // IEEE International Conference on Emergency Management and Management Sciences, ICEMMS 2011, Beijing, 8-10 August, 2011 : proceedings. - [Beijing, 2011]. - P.776-779. - URL: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=6015797
- Saksonova, Svetlana. Nodokļu plānošanas ietekme uz uzņēmuma brīvās naudas plūsmas palielināšanu = The tax planning influence on increase in free monetary streams of the enterprise/ Svetlana Saksonova, Nataļja Verina. - Literatūra : 266.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 267.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 771.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [256.]-267.lpp. : tab.
- Saksonova, Svetlana. The role of analysis of firm's external environment and competitiveness in crisis conditions / Svetlana Saksonova. - (Section "International environment impact on entrepreneurship"). - Bibliogr.: p.388 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.382-388 : tab.
- Skribāne, Irina. Darbaspēka izmaksas un produktivitāte / Irina Skribāne // Ziņojums par Latvijas tautsaimniecības attīstību / Latvijas Republikas Ekonomikas ministrija. - Rīga : LR Ekonomikas ministrija, 2011. - Jūnijs (2011), 76.-77.lpp. : att. - Autors norādīts izdevuma sākumā.
- Skribāne, Irina. Investīcijas / Irina Skribāne // Ziņojums par Latvijas tautsaimniecības attīstību / Latvijas Republikas Ekonomikas ministrija. - Rīga : LR Ekonomikas ministrija, 2011. - Jūnijs (2011), 17.-20.lpp. : att., tab. - Autors norādīts izdevuma sākumā.
- Skribāne, Irina. Maksājuma bilance / Irina Skribāne // Ziņojums par Latvijas tautsaimniecības attīstību / Latvijas Republikas Ekonomikas ministrija. - Rīga : LR Ekonomikas ministrija, 2011. - Jūnijs (2011), 61.-68.lpp. : att., tab. - Autors norādīts izdevuma sākumā.
- Skribāne, Irina. Pasaules ekonomikas attīstība / Irina Skribāne // Ziņojums par Latvijas tautsaimniecības attīstību / Latvijas Republikas Ekonomikas ministrija. - Rīga : LR Ekonomikas ministrija, 2011. - Jūnijs (2011), 12.-14.lpp. : att., tab. - Autors norādīts izdevuma sākumā.
- Skribāne, Irīna. Dynamics of unit labour costs in Latvia / Irīna Skribāne, Ludis Neiders. - (4. section "Emploument and labour mobility problems"). - Bibliogr.: p.229-230 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2008" : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Representation of the European Commission in Latvia ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by University of Latvia, Latvian Science council. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.220-230 : fig.
- Skribāne, Irīna. Structural policy directions of Latvia for development of competitiveness / Irīna Skribāne, Ludis Neiders. - (Section "Innovations and competitiveness"). - Bibliogr.: p.178 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.172-178 : fig., tab.
- Sloka, Biruta. Correspondence analysis for labour market research / Biruta Sloka, Jānis Krauklis. - (1. section "Labour market analysis and forecasting"). - Bibliogr.: p.75-76 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2008" : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Representation of the European Commission in Latvia ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by University of Latvia, Latvian Science council. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.66-76 : fig.
- Sloka, Biruta. Statistical analysis of survey results on possibilities of involvement in labor market and entrepreneurship long term unemployed in Latvia / Biruta Sloka, Ieva Brence, Ināra Kantāne // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.144. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Sloka, Biruta. Statistical analysis of survey results on possibilities of involvement in labour market and entrepreneurship long term unemployed in Latvia / Biruta Sloka, Ieva Brence, Ināra Kantāne. - References: p.678-679 // Conference proceedings : International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011" / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.670-679 : fig., tab. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Solovjova, Irina. Problems of creation of the model of commercial bank security ratings system / Irina Solovjova. - (Section "Modern banking and corporate governance"). - Bibliogr.: p.494 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.486-494 : fig.
- Solovjova, Irina. Ratings as a measure of financial risk : evolution, tendencies and problems / Irina Solovjova, Ramona Rupeika-Apoga. - Bibliogr.: p. 540 // Management horizons in changing economic environment visions and challenges : proceedings of the 11th International scientific conference, 22-24 September 2011 / European Management Association, Baltic Management Foundation, Vytautas Magnus University. - Kaunas : Vytautas Magnus University, 2011. - P.[529]-540 : fig.
- Spriņģis, Māris. The impact of the host country corruption on inward FDI / Māris Spriņģis // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.147. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Spriņģis, Māris. The impact of the host country corruption on inward FDI / Māris Spriņģis. - References: p.689 // Conference proceedings : International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011" / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.680-689 : fig., tab. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Strateičuks, Andrejs. Impact of the changes in excise tax for alcohol on the state revenues and market players / Andrejs Strateičuks, Valters Kaže, Roberts Škapars. - (Ekonomika = Economy) // Daugavpils Universitātes 53. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences tēzes : Daugavpils, Latvija, 2011. g. 13.-15. aprīlis = Abstracts of the 53rd International scientific conference of Daugavpils University / Daugavpils Universitāte, Daugavpils Universitātes Jauno zinātnieku asociācija. - Daugavpils : Saule, 2011. - P.91.
- Strateičuks, Andrejs. Influence of the increase in strong alcohol excise tax on the state revenues in Latvia / Andrejs Strateičuks, Valters Kaže, Roberts Škapars // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.154.-155. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Strateičuks, Andrejs. Influence of the increase in strong alcohol excise tax on the state revenues in Latvia / Andrejs Strateičuks, Valters Kaže, Roberts Škapars. - References: p.715 // Conference proceedings : International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011" / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.709-715 : fig., tab. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Šķiltere, Daina. Latvian retail market concentration analysis / Daina Šķiltere, Mārtiņš Danusēvičs. - (Section "Market research and marketing in company and region stategic development"). - Bibliogr.: p.295 // International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2009", Riga, May 7-9, 2009, Riga : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.289-295 : diagr., tab.
- Šķiltere, Daina. Pieprasījuma elastības faktoru statistiskā analīze = Statistical analysis factors of demand elasticity / Daina Šķiltere, Laura Lismente. - Literatūra: 152.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 152.lpp. // Statistikas zinātnisko pētījumu rezultāti, 2011 : zinātniskie raksti = The results of statistical scientific research, 2011 : research paper. - Rīga : Latvijas Republikas Centrālā statistikas pārvalde, 2011. - 141.-152.lpp. : att., tab.
- Šķiltere, Daina. Uzņēmuma vidējās svērtās vērtības noteikšanas problēmas Latvijā = Problems in determination of weighted average value of the company in Latvia / Daina Šķiltere, Jeļena Loseva. - Literatūra: 167.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 167.lpp. // Statistikas zinātnisko pētījumu rezultāti, 2011 : zinātniskie raksti = The results of statistical scientific research, 2011 : research paper. - Rīga : Latvijas Republikas Centrālā statistikas pārvalde, 2011. - 153.-167.lpp. : att., tab.
- Šneidere, Ruta. Accountant's profession and the quality of accounting service / Ruta Šneidere, Inga Būmane. - (Section "Finance and accounting : development and trends"). - Bibliogr.: p.432-433 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.424-433 : tab.
- Šneidere, Ruta. Predicting business insolvency : the Latvian experience / Ruta Šneidere, Inta Bruna. - Bibliogr.: p.497 // Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing. - Vol.7, N 5 (2011), p.487-497 : fig.
- Technique of statistical validation of rival models for fatigue crack growth process and its identification / Nicholas Nechval, Maris Purgailis, Uldis Rozevskis, Juris Krasts, Konstantin Nechval // Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications 18th International Conference, ASMTA 2011, Venice, Italy, June 20-22, 2011 : proceedings / Khalid Al-Begain, Simonetta Balsamo, Dieter Fiems ... [et al.]. - (Lecture Notes in computer sciences ; Vol. 6751). - Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag, 2011. - P.132-148.
- Tendencies of the hydrogen market development: expert view / Justs Dimants, Biruta Sloka, Jānis Kleperis, Ilze Klepere // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.32. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Tendencies of the hydrogen market development: expert view / Justs Dimants, Biruta Sloka, Jānis Kleperis, Ilze Klepere. - References: p.116 // Conference proceedings : International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011" / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.109-116 : fig., tab. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Tissen, Maria. Cost optimisation opportunities in an economic crisis / Maria Tissen, Ruta Sneidere // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.162. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Tissen, Maria. Cost optimisation opportunities in the conditions of economic crisis / Maria Tissen, Ruta Sneidere. - References: p.767 // Conference proceedings : International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011" / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.758-767 : tab. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Titova, Nellija. Intellectual capital efficiency vs. capital employed efficiency : current and future effect on the financial performance / Nellija Titova, Erika Sumilo. - Bibliogr.: p. 678 // Management horizons in changing economic environment visions and challenges : proceedings of the 11th International scientific conference, 22-24 September 2011 / European Management Association, Baltic Management Foundation, Vytautas Magnus University. - Kaunas : Vytautas Magnus University, 2011. - P.[665]-678 : fig.
- Umanovs, Vadims. Relationship between the level of employment and the inflation level in Latvia / Vadims Umanovs, Roberts Škapars. - (1. section "Labour market analysis and forecasting"). - Bibliogr.: p.65 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2008" : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Representation of the European Commission in Latvia ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by University of Latvia, Latvian Science council. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.54-65 : fig.
- Vaidere, Inese. EU [European Union] immigration policy - economic and social dimension : [referāts starptautiskajā konf. "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe 2008" Latvijas Universitātē (2008.g. 2.-4.okt.)] / Inese Vaidere. - Bibliogr. un koment.: 8.-19.lpp. // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.8-19 : tab.
- Vaidere, Inese. Inovācijas savienība Latvijas ilgtermiņa attīstībai / Inese Vaidere. - (Eiropas Savienības politikas). - Bibliogr. parindēs // Latvijas Intereses Eiropas Savienībā. - Nr. 3 (2011), 37.-43.lpp.
- Vaidere, Inese. Prospects of the cohesion policy in the context of analysis of the multiannual financial framework of the European Union = Kohēzijas politikas perspektīvas Eiropas Savienības daudzgadu finanšu ietvara analīzes kontekstā / Inese Vaidere. - Literatūra : 302.-303.lpp. - Kopsav. latviešu val.: 304.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 771.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [294.]-304.lpp.
- Vaidere, Inese. Role of the European Union in the globalozation processes / Inese Vaidere. - (Section "The development of globalization and its impact on entrepreneurship, public administration and society"). - Bibliogr.: p.89. // International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2009", Riga, May 7-9, 2009, Riga : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.83-89 : ill.
- Veveris, Armands. The impact of EU agricultural policy on the competitiveness of the farms in Latvia / Armands Veveris, Ilmars Kalis. - Bibliogr.: 458.lpp. // Ekonomika ir vadyba - Kaunas. - ISSN 1822-6515 - Nr.16 (2011), 452.-458.lpp. : il., tab.
- Vides ekonomika un tirgus mehānisms : 4. [d.] / Dž. Dimante, J. Malzubris, Dz. Atstāja, I. Brīvers, T. Tambovceva, B. Pūle. - Literatūra: 137.-138.lpp. // Vide un ekonomika : monogrāfija / red. Anna Šmite ; Latvijas Universitāte. - Rīga : LU Akadēmiskais apgāds, 2011. - 93.-138.lpp. : il. - "Grāmata sagatavota un izdota ar Norvēģijas finanšu instrumenta projekta LV 0044 "Vides zinātnes studiju satura attīstība un studiju materiālu izstrāde" atbalstu."--Titlp. 2. pusē.
- Vorončuka, Inese. Employees' motivation factors : by the example of telecommunications retail network / Inesa Voronchuk, Larisa Demidenko. - (Section "Human development and challenges of management education"). - Bibliogr.: p.238 // International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2009", Riga, May 7-9, 2009, Riga : conference proceedings / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.231-238 : diagr., tab.
- Well - being: analysis of different approaches - Salaspils district case / Ansis Grantins, Biruta Sloka, Julija Vladimirova, Inara Kantane, Inga Jekabsone, Agnese Vaivade // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.43. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Well - being: analysis of different approaches - Salaspils district case / Ansis Grantins, Biruta Sloka, Julija Vladimirova, Inara Kantane, Inga Jekabsone, Agnese Vaivade. - Literature: p.179 // Conference proceedings : International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011" / conference is organised by University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.]. - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.172-180 : tab. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Zaksa, Kristīne. Building up yhe student loyalty to the higher education institution / Kristīne Zaksa. - (Section "Education and labour market"). - Bibliogr.: p.143 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.135-143 : fig., tab.
- Zaksa, Kristīne. Entrepreneuralism in universities: risks and opportunities / Kristīne Zaksa // Abstracts of reports / International Conference "Current Issues in Management of Business and Society Development - 2011". - Riga : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.176. - Pieejams arī CD-ROM.
- Zaksa, Kristīne. Mārketinga pasākumu komplekss augstākās izglītības iestādēm - Latvijas Universitātes piemērs = Marketing mix for higher education institutions - the case of the University of Latvia / Kristīne Zaksa. - Bibliogr.: 160.-161.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 162.lpp. // Ekonomika. Vadības zinātne = Economics. Business administration / Latvijas Universitāte. - (Latvijas Universitātes raksti = Acta Universitatis Latviensis = Scientific papers University of Latvia ; 766.sēj.). - Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2011. - [151.]-162.lpp. : diagr., sh., tab. - URL: http://www.lu.lv/fileadmin/user_upload/lu_portal/apgads/PDF/LUR-766_Ekonomika_Vadiba.pdf
- Zaķe, A. Analysis by senior state officials (men and women), on leading positions regarding gender equality issues in public administration in Latvia / A. Zaķe, B. Sloka // Management theory and practice : synergy in organisations : V international conference, Tartu, 01–02 April 2011 / ed.: Maaja Vadi, Krista Jaakson, Eneli Kindsiko ; University of Tartu, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Institute of business administration. - Tartu : University of Tartu, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, 2011. - P.461–478.
- Zelgalve, Elvīra. Application of the weighted-average cost of capital in Latvia : analysis, problems and possibilities for improvement / Elvira Zelgalve, Irina Bērzkalne. - Bibliogr.: p. 678 // Management horizons in changing economic environment visions and challenges : proceedings of the 11th International scientific conference, 22-24 September 2011 / European Management Association, Baltic Management Foundation, Vytautas Magnus University. - Kaunas : Vytautas Magnus University, 2011. - P.[711]-730 : fig.
- Zelgalve, Elvīra. Capital raising problems in chemical enterprises : a case of Latvia / Elvira Zelgalve, Irina Berzkalne. - Bibliogr.: p.128 - Kopsav. lietuviešu val.: Kapitalo pritraukimo problemos chemijos imonese : Latvijos atvejis, p.128-129 // Applied Economics: Systematic Research. - Vol. 5, N 1 (2011), p.115-129 : fig.
- Zelgalve, Elvīra. Problems of capital structure : case of Latvia / Elvīra Zelgalve, Inna Romānova. - (Section "Modern banking and corporate governance"). - Bibliogr.: p.515 // International conference "New socio-economic challenges of development in Europe - 2010", [October 7-9, 2010, Riga, University of Latvia] : conference proceedings / conference is organised by Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Latvia in cooperation with Latvian European Community Studies Association ... [et al.] ; conference is supported by ERAF (Eiropas Regionālās Attīstības Fonds). - [Riga] : University of Latvia, 2011. - P.507-515 : fig., tab.
- Zelgalve, Elvīra. Role of financial manager in the provision for effective capital structure of an enterprise / Elvira Zelgalve, Irina Berzkalne. - Bibliogr.: p.124-125 - Kopsav. lietuviešu val.: Finansu vadybininko vaidmuo formuojant efektyvia imones kapitalo struktūra, p.125 // Management of Organizations : Systematic Research. - N 57 (2011), p.115-125 : fig.
- Вайдере, Инессе. Инессе Вайдере : «Я оптимистка и, надеюсь, все то, о чем мечтаю, осуществится» / Инессе Вайдере // Приближение к Латвии : откровения посла / Рауль Чилачава. - Рига : Bonmark, 2011. - С.166-168.
- Екабсоне, Сандра. Устойчивое развитие экономики Латвии : риски и возможности / Сандра Екабсоне. - Bibliogr.: 88.lpp. - Kopsav. lietuviešu val.: Tvarus Latvijos vystymasis : rizika ir galimbyès, p.88 // Human Resources : The Main Factor of Regional Development. - N 4 (2011), p.81-88 : fig.
- Юндзис, Талавс. Талавс Юндзис : «Суверенитет – Это значит , что мы сами решаем, что легче делать вместе с другими» / Талавс Юндзис // Приближение к Латвии : откровения посла / Рауль Чилачава. - Рига : Bonmark, 2011. - С.170-171.
***** - Baumane-Vītoliņa, Ilona. Capacities and competencies as sources of competitive advantage [elektronisks resurss] : the case study of Latvian hotels / Ilona Baumane-Vītoliņa, Rebeka Vedina. - Bibliogr.: p.315-318. - Tiešsaistes raksts. - Nosaukums no tīmekļa lapas. - Resurss aprakstīts 2012.g. 11.janv. // Review of International Comparative Management [elektronisks resurss] - Vol.12, N 2 (2011), p.301-318 : tab. - Elektroniskais žurnāls. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW. URL: http://econpapers.repec.org/article/romrmcimn/v_3a12_3ay_3a2011_3ai_3a2_3ap_3a301-318.htm
- Brence, Ieva. Workplaces with stipend programme in Latvia [elektronisks resurss] : evaluation from regional perspective / Ieva Brence, Ināra Kantāne. - Bibliogr.: p.46 // Sustainability [CD-ROM] : proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Economic Science for Rural Development" / [editor-in-chief and responsible compiler of the proceedings Aija Eglīte]. - (Economic science for rural development ; N 26). - Jelgava : [LLU Ekonomikas fakultāte], 2011. - P.40-46 : tab. - Aprakstīts pēc diska satura.
- Brūna, Inta. The practice of small business activities in Latvia [elektronisks resurss] / Inta Brūna, Ruta Šneidere. - Bibliogr.: p.101-102. - Tiešsaistes raksts. - Nosaukums no tīmekļa lapas. - Resurss aprakstīts 2012.g. 11. janv. // ICOAE 2011 : Proceedings of International Conference On Applied Economics 2011, Perugia, Italy 25-27 August 2011 [elektronisks resurss]. - Perugia, 2011. - P. 93-102 : fig. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW. URL: kastoria.teikoz.gr/icoae2/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/010.pdf URL: http://kastoria.teikoz.gr/icoae2/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/010.pdf
- Challenges for SMEs development in Salaspils municipality [elektronisks resurss] / Biruta Sloka, Inara Kantane, Ansis Grantins, Anastasija Vilcane. - Bibliogr.: p.219-220 // Sustainability [CD-ROM] : proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Economic Science for Rural Development" / [editor-in-chief and responsible compiler of the proceedings Aija Eglīte]. - (Economic science for rural development ; N 26). - Jelgava : [LLU Ekonomikas fakultāte], 2011. - P.214-220 : fig., tab. - Aprakstīts pēc diska satura.
- Genriha, Irina. Makroekonomiskās vides ietekme uz bankas darbību [elektronisks resurss] / Irina Genriha. - Bibliogr.: 1039.lpp. - Kopsav. angļu val.: 1030.lpp. // Daugavpils Universitātes 52. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli[CD-ROM] : Daugavpils, Latvija, 2011. g. = Proceedings of the 52nd International scientific conference of Daugavpils University /atbildīgais par izdevumu Inese Zuģicka. - Daugavpils : Daugavpils Universitāte ; Daugavpils Universitātes Jauno zinātnieku asociācija, 2011. - 1030.-1039.lpp. : att., tab.
- Hazans, Mihails. Informal workers across Europe evidence from 30 European countries [elektronisks resurss] / Mihails Hazans. - Washington DC : World Bank, 2011. - 62 p. : fig., tab. - (Policy Research Working Paper ; N 5912). - Bibliogr.: p.46-49. - Tiešsaistes pakalpojums. - Nos. no sākumlapas. - Resurss aprakstīts 2011.g. 22.aug. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL: http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/IW3P/IB/2011/12/13/000158349_20111213090401/Rendered/PDF/WPS5912.pdf
- Hazans, Mihails. Informal workers across Europe [elektronisks resurss] : evidence from 30 countries / Mihails Hazans. - Bonn : IZA, 2011. - 41 p. : tab. - (IZA Discussion Paper [elektronisks resurss] ; N 5871 (July 2011)). - Bibliogr.: p.28-31. - Tiešsaistes pakalpojums. - Nos. no sākumlapas. - Resurss aprakstīts 2011.g. 22.aug. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL: http://ftp.iza.org/dp5871.pdf
- Hazans, Mihails. The post-enlargement migration experience in the Baltic labor markets [elektronisks resurss] / Mihails Hazans, Kaia Philips. - Bonn : IZA, 2011. - 48 p. : tab. - (IZA Discussion Paper [elektronisks resurss] ; N 5878 (July 2011)). - Bibliogr.: p.27-314. - Tiešsaistes pakalpojums. - Nos. no sākumlapas. - Resurss aprakstīts 2011.g. 22.aug. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL: ftp.iza.org/dp5878.pdf URL: http://ftp.iza.org/dp5878.pdf
- Hazans, Mihails. What explains prevalence of informal employment in European Countries [elektronisks resurss] : the role of labor institutions, governance, immigrants, and growth / Mihails Hazans. - Washington DC : World Bank, 2011. - 57 p. : fig., tab. - (Policy Research Working Paper ; N 5917). - Bibliogr.: p.33-38. - Tiešsaistes pakalpojums. - Nos. no sākumlapas. - Resurss aprakstīts 2011.g. 22.aug. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL: http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/IW3P/IB/2011/12/14/000158349_20111214174555/Rendered/PDF/WPS5917.pdf
- Hazans, Mihails. What explains prevalence of informal employment in European countries [elektronisks resurss] : the role of labor institutions, governance, immigrants, and growth / Mihails Hazans. - Bonn : IZA, 2011. - 52 p. : tab. - (IZA Discussion Paper [elektronisks resurss] ; N 5872 (July 2011)). - Bibliogr.: p.29-34. - Tiešsaistes pakalpojums. - Nos. no sākumlapas. - Resurss aprakstīts 2011.g. 22.aug. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL: http://ftp.iza.org/dp5872.pdf
- Keršule, Laura. Impact of motivation on employee performance in telecommunications industry in Latvia [elektronisks resurss] / Laura Keršule, Biruta Sloka, Iluta Skruzkalne - Bibliogr. - Tiešsaistes raksts. - Nosaukums no tīmekļa lapas. - Resurss aprakstīts 2012.g. 10. janv. // Full papers of the 9 th Conference on Baltic Studies in Europe, 12-15 June 2011, Södertörn University [elektronisks resurss] / Dropbox. - [Sweden, 2011]. - 27 p. : fig., tab. - Elektronisks izdevums. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW.URL: https://www.dropbox.com/
- Niedrītis, Jānis Ēriks. Līderība kā cilvēka kapitāla konsolidētājfaktors = Leadership as a human capital consolidation [elektronisks resurss] / Jānis Ēriks Niedrītis. - Ietver bibliogrāfiju. // Jaunas vērtības tūrisma un sabiedrības attīstībai [elektronisks resurss] : XII starptautiskā zinātniskā konference, 2011. gada 2.-3. jūnijs : Biznesa augstskolas Turība konferenču rakstu krājums / Biznesa augstskola Turība. - Rīga : Biznesa augstskola Turība, 2011. - CD-ROM. - Raksti arī PDF formātā. - Diskā uzrādīts konferences paralēlais nosaukums angļu valodā: "New values for tourism and community development.". - Aprakstīts pēc diska uzlīmes.
- Reģionu attīstība Latvijā, 2010 [elektronisks resurss] / Valentīna Locāne, Inga Vilka, Pēteris Šķiņķis ... [u.c.]. - Rīga : Valsts reģionālās attīstības aģentūra, 2011. - 176 lpp. : il. - Tiešsaistes pakalpojums. - Nosaukums no sākumlapas. - Resurss aprakstīts 2012.g. 11.janv. - Pieejas veids: Tīmeklis WWW. URL: http://www.vraa.gov.lv/uploads/Regionu_attistiba_Latvija_2010_web_LAT.pdf
- Rullis, Hermanis. Challenges of marketing within Internet banking in Latvia : [elektronisks resurss] : mobile technologies context / Hermanis Rullis, Biruta Sloka. - (Ekonomika/ Economics). - Bibliogr.: p.400 // Daugavpils Universitātes 52. starptautiskās zinātniskās konferences materiāli [CD-ROM] : Daugavpils, Latvija, 2010. g. : ziņojumi par pētījumiem = Proceedings of the 52nd International scientific conference of Daugavpils University : reports on research / atbildīgais par izdevumu Inese Zuģicka. - Daugavpils : Daugavpils Universitāte : Daugavpils Universitātes Jauno zinātnieku asociācija, 2011. - 394.-400.lpp. : tab. - Aprakstīts pēc diska uzlīmes.
- Rullis, Hermanis. Mobile Banking : [elektronisks resurss] challenges and solutions / H. Rullis, Biruta Sloka // Economies of Central and Eastern Europe : convergence, opportunities and challenges [CD-ROM] : conference proceedings. - Tallinn : TTÜ majandusteaduskond, 2011. - Aprakstīts pēc diska satura.