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ScienceDirect is a database of the Elsevier in natural and technical sciences, life sciences and medicine, as well as in the humanities and social sciences. The database contains information about several thousand journals and books published by Elsevier. About 2650 full texts of journals are available at the University of Latvia, mostly available from 2002 to the latest issue of the journal, as well as more than 350 e-books. For the rest of the publications, bibliographical information and summaries of articles are available, these publications are marked with a white symbol. The green symbol refers to the full texts, orange symbol marks the open access editions.
The database also offers a mobile version- ScienceDirect Mobile. Full text documents are available on the LU (Lanet) computer network or by accessing the databases outside the University of Latvia.
List of ScienceDirect journals available at the UL
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