Academic Video Online - a multidisciplinary video platform by Alexander Street Press that provides access to more than 82 000 videos on various subjects.
Cambridge Journals Online - Cambridge University Press multidisciplinary full-text e-journal database.
ClinicalKey *Only for students and staff of the Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences
The database is temporarily unavailable due to technical reasons!
De Gruyter eBooks - a multidisciplinary e-book collection with approximately 145 000 e-books in 29 subjects, mostly in English and German languages. E-books from both De Gruyter and established partner publishers are available.
EBSCO host Central & Eastern European Academic Source - a multidisciplinary full-text e-journal database focusing on Central & Eastern European countries.
Emerald eJournals Premier a multidisciplinary full-text e-journal database *archive available through 28 February 2020
European Pharmacopoeia - a reference information resource that publishes monographs describing quality standards for medicines.*only for students and staff of the Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences pharmacy programs after requesting personal profile creation from the Faculty or Library
Financial Times *only at the Library at Aspazijas bulvāris (ask the librarian for access to FT)
HeinOnline *only for students and staff of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia
International Journal of Smart Education and Urban Society * 2020–2021 archive available only for students and staff of the Faculty of Education Sciences and Psychology.
Journal of Chemical Education *only for students and staff of the Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences.
Jurista vārds *only for students and staff of the Faculty of Law.
Kluwer Digital Book Platform *only for students and staff of the Faculty of Law.
Kluwer Law Journals Online *only for students and staff of the Faculty of Law.
LETA Ziņas, Arhīvs un
Latvijas standartu tiešsaistes lasītava
Likuma "Par nodokļiem un nodevām" komentāri *only for students and staff of the Faculty of Law.
Lursoft Laikrakstu bibliotēka NEWS.LV
MagnetoHydroDynamics *only for students and staff of the Faculty of Science and Technology.
MarketLine *only for students and staff of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences.
Orbis *only for students and staff of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences.
Overleaf Commons *only for students, faculty and researchers of the UL Natural Sciences Faculties.
Passport company's Euromonitor International research tool that supports studies in business and marketing, economics, public relations, tourism and social sciences. *only for students and staff of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences.
Physical Review Journals / Physical Review Online Archive (PROLA) *only for students and staff of the Faculty of Science and Technology.
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
ProQuest eBook Academic Complete Collection
SpringerLink Contemporary Journals
Statista offers information on more than 80,000 topics in 170 industries in different formats such as statistics and reports on its online platform. *only for students and staff of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences.
Taylor & Francis Social Science & Humanities Librar, Taylor & Francis Science & Technology Library - social science and humanities full-text article database, science and technology full-text article database.
Thomson Reuters Westlaw *only for students and staff of the Faculty of Law.
UpToDate *provided by the UL Residential study programme members and Pauls Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital
Web Of Science Core Collection
Wiley Online Library E-Journals Full Collection
Westlaw UK *only for students and staff of the Faculty of Law.