During the global health crisis, the company JSTOR has supported the academic community by providing temporary free access to the valuable academic materials in its e-journals, thematic collections and primary source collections and e-books selection and has renewed this access for a time until 30 June, 2023.
Additionally to the already subscribed JSTOR content of Arts & Sciences I-XII and Life Sciences collections, University of Latvia members have free access to the e-journal collections - Arts & Sciences XIII-XV, Business IV, Ecology & Botany II, Hebrew Journals, Ireland, Jewish Studies through 30 June, 2023. More than that – there is a solid amount of about 35 000 e-books published by different world’s leading academic and university presses, for example, Harvard University Press, Yale University Press, Fordham University Press, Central European University Press, OR Books a.o., available for searching and full-text download. JSTOR company has made its effort to give free of charge access to the thematic collections Lives of Literature, Security Studies, Sustainability and primary source collections 19th Century British Pamphlets, World Heritage Sites: Africa, Struggles for Freedom: Southern Africa, Global Plants as well.
Please use the JSTOR guides for a better understanding of current platform.
The JSTOR collections are available in the UL (Lanet) computer network and outside campus until the June 30th, 2023.
You are kindly asked to use the search engine Primo which provides the simultaneous search in all the resources of the Library of UL, trials and open access included.
Please take a chance to try the access to the JSTOR collections and let us know your opinion!
Your feedback would be useful to evaluate the necessity of this resource for your studies and research.
Please send your feedback to info-bibl@lu.lv or pass it here.