Political Science Complete is a full-text research database with 1838 e-journals covering political topics like constitutions and laws, democracy, ideology, international relations, non-governmental organizations, political economy, public administration a.o.
World Politics Review is an online publication and resource for foreign policy professionals working primarily within government, military, academia, intelligence and diplomacy, as well as academic researchers with a serious interest in international relations, foreign affairs, world politics and geostrategy.
Military and Government Collection is a database of 280 full-text journals and periodicals pertaining to all branches of the military and government.
Political Science Complete, World Politics Review un Military and Government Collection are available to all the University of Latvia community through April 21st, 2022.
Use the additional information about Political Science Complete (overview), World Politics Review (flyer), Military and Government Collection (flyer and title list) for a better understanding of these databases.
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