The Library of UL together with company Elsevier organizes the online trainings (webinars) about the database ClinicalKey, its materials, and search possibilities. There will be a chance to ask questions about the ClinicalKey during the webinars.
Target audience: Students and academic staff of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Latvia
The host of the training session: Elsevier e-Solutions and Institutional Sales Manager Mr. Michal Krupa
Scheduled to last: approximately 1 hour
Working language – English.
Online training sessions are scheduled on:
November 8th, at 3 pm JOIN HERE
November 15th, at 3 pm JOIN HERE
For your convenience Elsevier has created the video conference joining guide, please have a look here.
ClinicalKey is an online discoverability platform for healthcare professionals, to support improved patient outcomes. It contains a wide selection of Elsevier medical and surgical Books (>1100) and Journals (>670) in full text to support clinical practice and medical education.
For more information about the database ClinicalKey please visit: https://www.biblioteka.lu.lv/en/resources/subscribed-e-resources/clinicalkey/