Although the reading rooms and physical stock of the Library of the University of Latvia are closed through the November 14th due to the lockdown, the students and staff of UL can access remotely 42 e-resource platforms (e-books platforms – VLebooks, ProQuest Ebook Central, e-journals platforms – Cambridge Journals Online (archive available through December 31st, 2018), Emerald eJournals Premier (archive available through February 28th, 2020), JSTOR I-XII, XIV, XV and Life Sciences Collections, HeinOnline, Oxford Journals Online, Sage Journals, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink Contemporary Journals, Taylor & Francis Social Science & Humanities Library, Physical Review Journals, Westlaw, Wiley Online Library E-Journals Full Collection and individual subscribed e-journal titles, as well as Lursoft Laikrakstu bibliotēka NEWS.LV, reference resources – LETA online ziņas, LETA Arhīvs and Nozare.lv, Letonika, tools – SAGE Research Methods, Passport, Orbis, Overleaf Commons, MarketLine, mixed-format databases – ClinicalKey, Culturethèque, European Pharmacopoeia, LVS Latvijas standartu tiešsaistes lasītava, OECD iLibrary, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, ScienceDirect, Scopus, UpToDate, Web of Science Core Collection). In total there are 17 477 full-text e-journals, about 208 123 e-books, almost 5 million full texts, and abstracts of doctoral and master's theses from around the world available through subscriptions. Access to these e-resources is provided to UL students and staff remotely outside the UL premises by logging in with the University of Latvia Information System (ULIS) username and password.
Also, the Library of the UL provides access to e-books platforms VLeBooks and ProQuest eBook Academic Complete Collection on Proquest eBook Central with a vast amount of scientific e-books altogether with the ones for your personal interest.
VLeBooks platform provides access to the multidisciplinary e-books purchased from various world’s leading academic publishing houses – Blackwell Publishing, Cambridge University Press, Springer Verlag, John Wiley & Sons Inc. a.o. The access is provided onsite and outside UL premises by logging in with a ULIS username and password. More information HERE.
ProQuest eBook Academic Complete Collection provides access to about 208 123 e-books from the world’s leading publishing houses including the world’s leading universities presses. Access is provided to onsite and outside UL premises with your personal profile’s username and password which is created while being at the UL premises. If you haven’t created one by now please contact the Consulting Desk of the Library of UL by e-mail info-bibl@lu.lv. More information HERE.
You are kindly reminded that there is no limit to the simultaneous use of these e-books, however, please notice that each e-book has a set of restrictions on copying or printing which is determined by the publisher.
In a line with e-books, there is a solid set of subscribed peer-reviewed high-quality e-journals from the advanced world academic publishing houses available through several databases like JSTOR, Nature, Oxford Journals Online, Sage Journals, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink Contemporary Journals, Taylor&Francis Social Science & Humanities Library, Wiley Online Library E-Journals Full Collection a.o. The access links and additional information can be found on the web page of the Library at the sections E-resources A to Z and E-resources by discipline.
The initiatives of open access around the world have currently accelerated the speed of publishing the open access books by the world academic publishing houses (Routledge, CRC Press, Springer Nature a.o.) The list of open access e-books can be found in the dynamic One Drive Excel sheet per each group of disciplines. To access please login to your personal ULIS account with your ULIS login and password and follow to the Mans Portāls – Paziņojumi – in sections Bibliotēkas and Studentiem un darbiniekiem. The list of open access e-books is entitled Brīvpieejas e-resursi Latvijas Universitātē. The UL also provides links to 174 approved open-access databases with multi-format materials. The access links to these e-resources can be found on the Library’s web page at the sections E-resources A to Z and E-resources by discipline.
Meanwhile, The Library regularly provides trial access to various databases, altogether there are about 15 trial accesses during the year. The information about the trial e-resources in Latvian and English is available on the Library’s web page in the following sections: News, E-resources available for the trial period, E-resources A to Z and E-resources by discipline and in ULIS Mans portāls in the sections Datubāzes, Bibliotēkas and Studentiem un darbiniekiem (login with your ULIS login and password).
You are kindly asked to use the search engine Primo which provides simultaneous search in all the resources of the Library of UL, trials included.
Please take a chance to use the available e-resources and let us know your opinion! Your feedback would be useful to evaluate the necessity of theses e-resources for your study and research. Please send your feedback to info-bibl@lu.lv or pass it here.
Be safe and take care during the lockdown so we all can join the onsite studies and work soon!