The Philosopher’s Index with Full Text, produced by the Philosopher’s Information Center, is a current and comprehensive bibliographic database covering scholarly research in all major fields of philosophy. The Philosopher’s Index with Full Text considered the most thorough index of journal literature on the subject, features author-written abstracts covering scholarly research published in journals and books, including contributions to anthologies and book reviews. The Philosopher’s Index contains research published since 1940 including over 680 journals from more than 50 countries with content representing a variety of languages. The Philosopher's Index with Full Text is international in scope and offers content from 139 countries. It also provides full text of key journals published in the United States of America and Britain as well as dozens of other countries, including Brazil, China, France, Germany, Spain, Tunisia, and Uruguay. Subjects covered include aesthetics, axiology, ethics, logic, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of education, philosophy of religion, philosophy of science, and many more.
The Philosopher’s Index with Full Text is available to all the University of Latvia community through June 11th, 2021.
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