APA PsycBOOKS includes the newest APA-published scholarly and professional books, including reference works from the APA Handbooks in Psychology Series that delve deep into specific subfields within psychology. Essential to education, research and teaching across the behavioral sciences, APA PsycBOOKS is an indispensable resource for every psychology program. It includes recent and historical titles, with the earliest record from 1620, the newest APA books as they are published, the entire reference book series APA Handbooks in Psychology, and exclusive electronic release of APA/Oxford University Press Encyclopedia of Psychology. Expertly indexed and easy to use, the database lets users search among the contents of thousands of books to easily locate and view the chapters they need. APA PsycBOOKS offers a time-tested view of psychological knowledge, from the most current APA publications covering contemporary research including the application of clinical theory and practice, to the historic underpinnings of modern psychology. Thousands of books and chapters provide users insights into the development of psychological knowledge from the early 1600s to 21st century applications. The inclusion of hard-to-find, out-of-print books and more than 2 800 classic resources makes APA PsycBOOKS a crucial research tool for psychology and the behavioral sciences. The extensive collection of current and classic peer-reviewed books in APA PsycBOOKS is nothing short of the best in the field. With chapter-level access to the works of respected scholars and leading authorities in their fields, the collection provides users with world-renowned scholarship. Plus, professionally indexed bibliographic records help the user obtain precise results from each search. APA books are written by distinguished researchers and practitioners whose work represents cutting-edge scholarship in psychology and the behavioral sciences. Books are anchored in theory, informed by empirical research, and draw out practical applications. Prior to publication, each work is thoroughly vetted through a peer-review process.
APA PsycBOOKS database is available in UL (Lanet) computer network and outside campus through June 3rd, 2021.
Use the Coverage List for APA PsycBOOKS provided by EBSCO for a better understanding of the resource.
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