EBSCO Education Source content includes more than 900 active full-text, non-open access journals, indexing and abstracts for more than 3,500 journals, more than 530 full-text books and monographs, more than 3,300 full-text education-related conference papers, a collection of 475 videos from SimpleK12 providing practical online teacher training that addresses the evolving landscape of education, citations for more than 6.8 million articles, including book reviews covering materials dating back to 1880.
EBSCO Education Source is available to all the University of Latvia community through June 6th, 2021.
Please use a Title List and landing page for a better understanding of the resource.
There is a chance to join the webinar "Meet Education Source" on April 14th at 1 pm (duration: 45 min). REGISTER
You are kindly asked to use the search engine Primo which provides simultaneous search in all the resources of the Library of UL, trials included.
Please take a chance to try the EBSCO Education Source and let us know your opinion!
Your feedback would be useful to evaluate the necessity of this resource for your study and research. Please send your feedback to info-bibl@lu.lv or pass it here.