In addition to the already subscribed Taylor& Francis scientific journal database collection in the social sciences and humanities, the Library of the University of Latvia provides trial access to the Science & Technology Library collection.
Science& Technology Library - full texts from more than 530 scientific journals, including studies of leading world organizations: Mathematical Association of America, American Statistical Association, Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, Cartography and Geographic Information Society, Natural History Museum. Thematic coverage: biology, earth, environmental and food sciences, chemistry, engineering, computer science, technology, mathematics and statistics, physics, sports science, and medicine. More than 90% of the journals in this collection are included in the Clarivate Analytics Reference Indexes / Web of Science®.
Science& Technology Library collection is available to all the University of Latvia community through April 14th, 2021.
Use the Science&Technology Library Title List for a better understanding of the resource.
You are kindly asked to use the search engine Primo which provides simultaneous search in all the resources of the Library of UL, trials included.
Please take a chance to try the Science & Technology Library collection and let us know your opinion!
Your feedback would be useful to evaluate the necessity of this resource for your study and research. Please send your feedback to info-bibl@lu.lv or pass it here.