ProQuest Philosophy Collection provides access to the authoritative Philosopher's Index with full text journals and dissertations from the Philosophy Database into a single seamless research environment. Together they offer access to over 160 full text journals, more than 1000 influential dissertations and video dating back to the 1860s to present.
Philosophy Database features full text coverage from more than 160 scholarly journals and 1000 influential dissertations, as well as video covering all aspects of Philosophy both analytical and continental, with coverage dating from the 1860s to the present day.
The Philosopher's Index is a comprehensive, bibliographic database covering worldwide research in all areas of philosophy. It is created by philosophers for philosophers. The Philosopher's Index features: the inclusion of documents from philosophy and interdisciplinary publications, extensive indexing, and author-written abstracts. Philosophers prescreen potential source documents for relevance to the field of philosophy; this enables the inclusion of articles from interdisciplinary journals and contributions from interdisciplinary anthologies that pertain to philosophy. The indexing includes the assignment of subject headings that encompass proper names and subject terms using a standardized thesaurus. The indexing improves the quality of search results and the use of the standardized thesaurus provides consistency across records from the various publications. The abstracts help the user more quickly ascertain the relevance of the documents. The database provides global coverage, with source publications from more than 135 countries, and has records from 1940 to present, with additional records dating back to 1902. It includes more than 530,000 records in 37 languages. Sources includes: journals (print and e-journal articles from more than 1600 philosophy and interdisciplinary journals); monographs, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, anthologies and book reviews.
Altogether, the collection materials provide access to the following subject coverage: aesthetics, axiology, epistemology, ethics, logic, metaphilosophy, metaphysics, philosophical anthropology (as well as education, history, language, religion, science), political philosophy, social philosophy.
ProQuest Philosophy Collection is available to all the University of Latvia community through May 16th, 2021.
Use the Philosophy Collection Brochure and Title List for a better understanding of the resource.
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