SAGE Video streaming collections are developed in partnership with leading academics, societies, and practitioners to deliver cutting-edge teaching and research-oriented video within the social sciences. With 60%+ exclusive content, SAGE Video provides unparalleled publishing expertise, disciplinary knowledge, and exposure to leading experts in the field while upholding the academic standard SAGE is known for. Created to support scholarly use, each collection includes a breadth of video types and lengths to support students of all levels. All videos are fully citable with searchable transcripts, custom clip creation, and embedding. Videos include documentaries, films, case studies, tutorials illustrating practical applications of methods, lectures for course instruction, revision, or a different viewpoint on a topic, interviews with leading experts on key topics, practitioner demonstrations of theories and techniques, short definitions of key terms and concepts, conference presentations. The trial access provided to the following collections:
SAGE Video Counseling and Psychotherapy
SAGE Research Methods Video contains nearly 130 hours of video, including tutorials, case study videos, expert interviews, and more, covering the entire research methods and statistics curriculum. The videos can help to bring methods to life: instead of reading about how to conduct a focus group, users can watch one in action. Stimulate class discussions by assigning videos for pre-class viewing, or use a clip in class to provide an alternative viewpoint. SAGE Research Methods Video provides hundreds of video titles showing research in action to help users build their skills as they prepare to conduct original research. Rather than reading about the best way to conduct a focus group, users can watch one in progress to see just how the facilitator interacts with participants. Those struggling to learn statistics can use the intro stats lessons to learn at their own pace, pausing and repeating the instruction until it clicks. From foundational academic skills perfect for first-year college students to the latest big data research, there is a video for researchers at any level, and platform tools such as custom clips and embed codes make it easy for teaching faculty to incorporate video content into their courses.
The Practical Research & Academic Skills collection offers support on the practical skills that researchers need to successfully complete their research. Key areas such as writing a research proposal, planning and designing a research project, and securing ethical approval are explicitly covered. Practical skills such as project management, writing for publication, presenting work, and building networks are also presented through helpful explanatory videos. The Practical Research& Academic Skills collection gives researchers the confidence to successfully navigate their research work, take responsibility for their professional development, and identify the transferable skills they need to progress their careers.
SAGE Research Methods Video: Practical Research And Academic Skills
Mentioned video collections are available to all the University of Latvia community through April 2nd, 2021.
There are several using guidance materials: user-guide, SAGE Video demonstration video, as well as title lists of collections:
Title List: Counselling & Psychotherapy.
SRM Video Collection Title list.
You are kindly asked to use the search engine Primo which provides the simultaneous search in all the resources of the Library of UL, trials included.
Please take a chance to try the SAGE Video collections and SAGE Research Methods Videos and let us know your opinion!
Your feedback would be useful to evaluate the necessity of this resource for your study and research. Please send your feedback to info-bibl@lu.lv or pass it here.