APA PsycTESTS is professionally indexed database - an extensive collection of psychological measures, scales, surveys, and other instruments essential to the research needs of professionals, students, and educators across the behavioral and social sciences. It provides access to over 58,000 psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments. Each record includes a test description along with information on its development and administration.
APA PsycTESTS coverage includes Aggression, Coping, or Functional Status Questionnaires, Aptitude and Achievement Measures, Attitude, Interest, and Values Scales, Competency Measures, Culture, Racial, and Ethnic Identity Scales, Developmental Measures, Educational Measures, Intelligence Tests, Military Tests, Neuropsychological Assessments, Occupational Measures, Personality Assessments, Physical Health-Related Assessments, Resilience, Anger Response, or Emotional States Questionnaires. Available research instruments are easily downloaded as PDFs or as multi-media files depending on the format. Select measurements are available in more than 40 languages. Records are indexed by experts at the American Psychological Association. With multiple measures, research instruments, and test types in a variety of subject areas, APA PsycTESTS is an indispensable resource for researchers in multiple fields of study.
APA PsycTESTS database is available in UL (Lanet) computer network and outside campus through the December 2nd, 2020. For accessing outside campus please use APA PsycTESTS.
Use the APA PsycTESTS fact sheet provided by EBSCO for a better understanding of the resource.
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