Library of UL provides the trial access to the ProQuest One Academic platform until the 31st of October, 2019.

ProQuest One Academic platform provides a unified access to the ProQuest datubases – ProQuest Central, Academic Video Online (AVON), ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, as well as to the e-book collection Academic Complete. Two of mentioned databases - ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global and Academic Complete - are already subscribed by the University of Latvia to support the studies and research process. 

ProQuest Central is the multidisciplinary, full-text database which provides access to 47 of ProQuest's complete databases in over 175 subjects including business, health and medical, social sciences, arts and humanities, education, science and technology, and religion.

The collection includes thousands of full-text scholarly journals, newspapers, magazines, dissertations, working papers, and market reports.

ProQuest Central provides:

  • the full text of key journals including the Lancet, BMJ, Nature, Science, New England Journal of Medicine, and Journal of International Business Studies;
  • the world’s most important scholarly publishers including Cambridge University Press, Springer, and Emerald;
  •  the international news coverage including the Wall Street Journal, Globe & Mail, New York Times, Times of India, Financial Times, Le Monde, and The Guardian;
  •  current full text of the most widely read magazines including The Economist, New Statesman, Billboard, and The New Yorker;
  • unique collection of more than 450,000 working papers from NBER, RePEc, INSEAD, and OECD.
  • over 100,000 full-text dissertations each with extensive references and literature reviews.

There is an ability to cite results in numerous citation styles, save as a PDF or other document formats, save searches, and export documents to reference management tools like RefWorks in ProQuest Central.

Academic Video Online (AVON) provides unlimited remote access to more than 66 000* (and growing) videos all cross-searchable from a single platform. 

The database includes scholarly video material of virtually every video type: documentaries, interviews, performances, news programs and newsreels, field recordings, commercials, demonstrations, original and raw footage.

There are thousands of award-winning films, Academy, Emmy, and Peabody winners along with the most frequently used films for classroom instruction, plus newly released films and previously unavailable archival material.

The covered disciplines at the database are following: arts and design; health sciences; history; languages and literature; music; psychology; engineering; social sciences etc. The interface is simple and well-considered; the embeddable video player with keyword-searchable transcripts allows users to browse and refine with intuitive facets and then create and share custom clips and playlists.

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global database consists of more than 4 millions dissertations and theses from 100 countries around the globe in almost 50 different languages. 2,5, millions dissertations and theses are full-text, ready to be downloaded  in PDF. Database allows to access full-text dissertations added after 1997. There are about 200 new PDF files added every week and about 200 000 files in total per year. It is multi-disciplinary database with a strong focus on Social Sciences and Humanities, as well as on Sciences and Medicine. The eldest dissertation added here dates back to 1637. To all dissertations, published after 1980, and theses, published after 1988 the author’s annotation is added as well.

ProQuest eBook Academic Complete is an e-book collection on the ProQuest Ebook Central platform. Available about 157 000 interdisciplinary e-books of various publishers and Universities Press. User – friendly platform provides access to all purchased e-books by the Library of the University of Latvia which were requested by the academic staff of UL. 

Please use the user-guide and infographic for a better understanding of current platform.

The database is available in UL (Lanet) computer network and outside campus until the 31st of October, 2019.

You are kindly asked to use the search engine Primo which provides the simultaneous search in all the resources of the Library of UL, trials included.

Please take a chance to try the database and let us know your opinion!

Your feedback would be useful to evaluate the necessity of this resource for your studies and research.

Please send your feedback  to  or pass it here.
