Library of UL provides the trial access to the De Gruyter publisher’s online primary source “Deutsche Geschichte im 20. Jh.: National-socialismus, Holocaust, Widerstand und Exil 1933-1945 Online”.

Deutsche Geschichte im 20. Jh.: National-socialismus, Holocaust, Widerstand und Exil 1933-1945 Online  contains approximately 40 000 primary sources on historical period of 1933-1945 in Germany specifically focused on national socialism, holocaust, resistance and exile. It contains 18 000 biographical articles on perpetrators and victims of the “Third Reich” as well. Database can be used as a guide through the world’s largest archives of the particular field. Materials are in German only.

Deutsche Geschichte im 20. Jh.: National-socialismus, Holocaust, Widerstand und Exil 1933-1945 Online is available in UL (Lanet) computer network until the 30th of May, 2019.

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